Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Intersect, Except, Union, All and Any

    I think a good use of INTERSECT and EXCEPT is when you need to compare many fields. It is much quicker than writing a join or where exists on...

  • RE: Full Text Search Join

    Thanks for the suggestion. I solved it by using a table valued function and a cross apply with table that had the values I wanted searched.

  • RE: Full Text Search Join

    For the sake of this example Addresses has 1 column, Address1, and SearchWords has 1 column, Words. I want to use the Words column to to do a full...

  • RE: Full Text Search Join

    It returns incorrect syntax. I believe it is populated because the following works fine.

    SELECT Address_1

    FROM Addresses ad

    WHERE CONTAINS(ad.Address_1, 'bike')

  • RE: Strange issue with CTE's and Dates as String

    I added a case statement and it worked.

    WITH MaxDtCTE (RunId, ObservationDate) AS


    SELECT RunId,

    CASE WHEN ISDATE([Value]) = 1 THEN CONVERT(datetime, [Value]) ELSE NULL END

    FROM tmp_TestTable

    WHERE ISDATE([Value]) = 1

    AND [Value] IS...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)