Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
Gila, I think I had to explain this way so you can have a better idea about what I am trying to get.
For a certain Publication (which might have...
April 7, 2009 at 8:18 am
GilaMonster (4/3/2009)
Thang.Nguyen10 (4/3/2009)
April 7, 2009 at 7:24 am
GilaMonster (4/3/2009)
Christopher Stobbs (4/3/2009)
isnull(FIRSTNAME,'') like '%%'
AND isnull(MIDDLEINITIAL,'') like '%%'
AND isnull(LASTNAME,'') like '%%'
AND isnull(EMAIL,'') like '%%'
This can't be removed, at least until we know why it's there...
April 7, 2009 at 7:15 am
Sorry guys, I was in the meeting until now. Here is the implicated tables relationship diagram. Is that enough or you need more information on table definition ?...
April 3, 2009 at 1:15 pm
Thanks Chris.
As you suggested, I start running your script in Dev environment (where I am the only user) at 10:11am and now is 11:09am, the script is still...
April 3, 2009 at 9:10 am
The DBA advise me to create indexes for tblUserDesignees (which has only 2 fields OwnerID and UserID), follow which I create 2 cluster indexes for each of the fields. ...
April 3, 2009 at 7:33 am
How do I write my trigger to be able to retrieve the SQL statement that used to delete the records ? This is very crucial for...
March 27, 2009 at 11:04 am
Christopher, your code worked wonderful.
My question is, why the SQL code was not retrieved by my code ?
DECLARE @raisedEventData XML
SET @raisedEventData = eventdata()
SET @sql = LEFT(cast(@raisedEventData.query ('data(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)') AS...
March 19, 2009 at 2:54 pm
Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)