Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)

  • RE: SCM Utility

    Thanks all, I ended up using net start and stop as scheduled tasks. Seems to be working fine.




  • RE: Script drop and create of all indexes


    Unfortunately this method includes a drop and create statement for all tables. Im pretty sure that no drop index command is even performed because the tables are dropped.




  • RE: Stored Procedure Job Status

    Ooooh....I like that suggestion...Tell me you have a good starting point(other than BOL cause that where Im looking now).





  • RE: Stored Procedure Job Status

    Thanks Ken,

    I'm trying a different approach using DTS...although I'm coming across a few dramas already in regards to using Global variables.

    So look out for my post in the DTS section.




  • RE: SQL 7 to 2000 upgrade - Performance Degradation

    Hi All,

    Many thanks to all suggestions. I checked and performed all the obvious such as updating indexes, and setting of db options.

    However, I found that the database 'sorted' itself out...

  • RE: Disaster recovery a Disaster

    Why do I think that?? Maybe because an attempted restore of a user database failed altogether and I don't have any explanation except that the master.dbo.sysdatabase tables reference to itself...

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)