Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Help! Nulls killing a join?

    Ahh, slight problem I found. I re-organised the tables and the joins and have cocked it all up. Using the original statement above, I needed RIGHT OUTER JOIN as the...

  • RE: Help! Nulls killing a join?

    GilaMonster (5/21/2009)

    Try using LEFT OUTER JOIN rather than INNER JOIN. Inner join only return rows where there is a match. Left outer join returns all the rows from the table...

  • RE: Help! Nulls killing a join?

    Sorry, re-reading that I may not have been clear enough.

    When you have a value in Room, Location and SubLocation in tblMedia the query runs without fault, however there is the...

  • RE: SQL Server Bulk Insert

    Your problem looks almost the same as what is happening to me! -> LINK

    I can't work it out, however it looks like it is down to permissions...

  • RE: Bulk Insert doesn't play.

    I've tried giving the Sql Service account rights on the remote folder (yep, we use a domain account) which failed. So I made a new share so it was at...

  • RE: Bulk Insert doesn't play.

    Ahhhhh right! That makes a whole load more sense.

    I shall look into it.


  • RE: Auditing data within a table.

    That is perfect!!!

    Thank you ever so much!

  • RE: Auditing data within a table.

    Philipp Post (4/28/2009)

    The requirements are not very clear (no DDL of the tables, no expected output). Anyway do you mean something like that:

    I do apologise. I'm unsure as to "DDL"...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)