Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: EventID 824 Revisited

    That's interesting, thanks for that Jeff, unfortunately it is not as simple as this. We run dozens of servers off this particular SAN that are running Oracle under Unix...

  • RE: EventID 824 Revisited

    SQLIOSim was run and nothing was discovered. Our DBA was then asked by some friends at MS to run a different DBCC command option (sorry don't recall it) and was...

  • RE: DBA without system administrator privileges

    As one of the "server boys" I work closely with our DBAs, and if I can get by not giving them administrator access.. I would, but I realize that if...

  • RE: Making The Switch

    Folks, taking this more from a sysadmin perspective as opposed to a DBA, I started off with DOS/Netware going to Windows and now am expected to support Linux (RedHat/SuSE for...

  • RE: The IT Career

    Like many people, I got into this field "accidentally" when my primary career aspiration wasn't working for me. When I started in IT back in the mid-80s you were...

  • RE: Trying to determine whether database corruption was caused at a disk level

    Thank you for the info Lucky (I'll review when I get a chance -- always good to be able find information through peers).

    In essence this was a strange issue, our...

  • RE: Career Ender?

    I currently work for one of the big outsourcers performing remote sysadmin work and solutions architecture. I have been telecommuting for the past two years and I have realized...

  • RE: Immigration

    Unlike athletes (and all kidding aside - I don't care how good an athlete you are you don't deserve to be paid millions for what you do), older IT folks...

  • RE: SP4 SQLSERVR.EXE is Missing because is was Quarantine by McAfee

    David, can you post the McAfee website URL that discusses the issue. Thank you.

  • RE: First Poll for 2006

    My favorite one of all time is;

    Piss poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

  • RE: Unidata 3.3.2 Access

    Hi Jonathan, I don't know if this is much help to you since I am not a developer, but we used to run an application that ran on Unidata, and...

  • RE: Amount of time for a REBUILDM to complete

    Thank you Martin, you are correct.  I copied the files from the CD to a local drive and ensured that the read-only attribute was...

  • RE: Complete SQL Server Recovery from Scratch - repost

    Thanks for the replies guys especially Noel (for the laugh) .  I needed some real world examples of what other guys have done in...

  • RE: Complete SQL Server Recovery from Scratch - repost

    hoo-t, I am not dis-agreeing with you with regards to the procedures that have been presented.  The reason for TDP is to backup directly to tape while SQL server is live. Initially...

  • RE: Disaster Recovery Scenario Not Working Right

    Thank you for the replies guys.  Ideally we were supposed to use the solution you described EM->San Disk->Tape, unfortunately someone did not provision the disk space (don't you just love...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)