Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Error creating alert from T-SQL

    As for why in a DTS, what can I say? I'm a GUI junkie... Are you running this against SQL 2000? SQL 2005 still protects you from...

  • RE: Error creating alert from T-SQL


    Reread my post right above yours. You need to run the sp_configures to allow updates, then run your insert, then be sure to reconfigure to turn off the updates...

  • RE: Error creating alert from T-SQL

    In order to automate this instead of creating each message by hand, I needed to 1. make the system tables editable 2. copy sysmessages with errors greater than...

  • RE: Error creating alert from T-SQL

    I need some help on this one too.  The lease is up on our current server and I am trying to export all of the current alerts to the new...

  • RE: xp_cmdshell

    xp_sendmail is great when using the default mail profile.

    I needed to use a different mail profile (prettied up for the users) so I ended up creating a DTS that was...

  • RE: Odd return results - problem with query?


    I definitely see your point here.  My join didn't ensure any checks or reliability.  Thank you very much for the query you provided as I was having issue with wrapping...

  • RE: Odd return results - problem with query?

    HA!  I believe I got it.

    select  max(a.cwsrouteid), max(a.cwsid), max(a.actiondate) from tblcws_routing_baggot A join tblcws_routing_baggot B on (a.cwsid = b.cwsid)

    where  a.actiondate is not null

    group by (a.cwsid)

  • RE: Odd return results - problem with query?

    Good suggestion Rubes.  I am one step closer to the results I want, but I'm not sure how to eliminate the superfilous CWSID 40 records as I'm just wanting the...

  • RE: dts package sql query

    Whenever dealing with import / export files, I always define them using the long name with the default admin share.

    ie - c:\data\import\file.txt as \\mycomputername\c$\data\import\file.txt

    This way there is no doubt where...

  • RE: Making tables Readonly during a DTS run

    I do have a dev server that I gave this a go on and it worked fine.  The only problem is the application that updates these tables is written in...

  • RE: Making tables Readonly during a DTS run

    Me being the GUI junkie that I am (and lacking the skillset) won't be able to run my transofrmations to .txt files using sql statements, so it would appear that locking...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)