Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 180 total)

  • RE: Help avoiding Dynamic SQL if possible?

    I've updated the code to show what i mean with multiple outers. Sorry for the confusion.

    CREATE TABLE #TestMapping



    ValueID INT,

    IsEnabled BIT,

    CreatedDateTime DATETIME


    INSERT INTO #TestMapping (ValueID, IsEnabled, CreatedDateTime)



  • RE: Help avoiding Dynamic SQL if possible?


    I've had a quick read, I'm a little confused... The values of 4,8,30,N... will be passed via the #temp table i created.

    Since I'm using an outer apply in this case...

  • RE: Help avoiding Dynamic SQL if possible?

    Thanks for the quick reply. I thought it was the case but thought I'll see if anything else could be done.

    I'll have a look at that link and revert back...

  • RE: Reading XML

    XML tags are case sensitive so you just need to simply change it to correct formatting when requesting data (i.e. ContentRecords becomes contentRecords etc...).

    The below change should resolve your...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    mister.magoo (10/8/2013)

    I see your problem now - it is the tags in the XML ...

    try this instead:

    DECLARE @PDFFileName VARCHAR(8000) =


    SELECT ( SELECT PDF_FileName + '.pdf<...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    mister.magoo (10/8/2013)

    It's hard to help because we can't see the whole process as you can...

    Can you try this to see if it works?(replace the profile and email address and fix...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    sorry, IE crashed as i edited the reply 🙂

    ummm, when i select my variable i get the wierd characters etc.... but when the email generates it shows BR.


  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    by putting the '< br/ >' (spaces were removed) it generates this

    <html><head></head><body><p style="font-family: arial, verdana, times; font-size: 12px; color: #000000;">Original File.<br/><br/><br/><br/>PDF Filename.<br/><br/> abc123.pdf<br/>, test.pdf<br/>, test123.pdf<<br/></p></body></html>

    when i execute it i can...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    mister.magoo (10/8/2013)

    I can only think there was a problem with the way you tried?

    Perhaps if you generate some sample html and post it here we can see what is wrong?


  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    mister.magoo (10/8/2013)

    It sounds to me like your email may have an html body, in which case, replace the char(13), char(10) combination with a '< br / >' (remove the spaces)...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    Edward Boyle-478467 (10/8/2013)

    Try this

    DECLARE @PDFFileName VARCHAR(8000) =


    SELECT STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + PDF_FileName + '.pdf' + char(13) + char(10)

    FROM @PDFResult...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    Luis Cazares (10/7/2013)

    Where are you checking the results? The grid from SSMS won't show line feeds.

    I'm checking the results in the actual out of the email, not the grid in...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    I read about using the CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) and i tried that but no difference.... I then read to just use CHAR(10) and that also failed to work.

    There were...

  • RE: Format Cast INT as Text

    dan-572483 (10/3/2013)

    It's going to represent the number of seconds, so the possible range is 00 to 59.

    one way is like the below. There may be a better method but this...

  • RE: Building a Comma Separated on a new line

    forgot to add some important details. reason I'm doing it this way is because I'm passing the variable @PDFFileName into a email template using:


Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 180 total)