Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Timeout expired when altering table

    I also faced similar problem where I was using GUI to alter a column in my table. Since this table has a VarBinary(Max) column which stores large documents, I...

  • RE: Connection Problem - LoadNetLibs()

    Hi Amit,

    • The system (W2K3) server is accessible.
    • Proper network connection is in place.
    • The user has administrative rights
    • The user is using Windows Authentication to access the database server.
    • Database name being used is...
  • RE: nchar vis nvarchar

    Actually I did a small mistake in my original question which took the whole discussion to a different direction.  As Steve has noticed I wanted to...

  • RE: Space taken by an empty nvarchar data field

    I thank every one who tried to answer the question, especially Antares686 detailed answer is very knowledgable and clears the concept of space taken by null varchar.

  • RE: How to copy identity column in Enterprise Manager

    I tried as suggested by you and it worked.  Frankly speaking, the Transform elipse as mentioned in your reply, is normally hidden too far right on the form and I...

  • RE: How to copy identity column in Enterprise Manager

    I was never truncating a table rather used to delete it with the understanding that since Export DTS Wizard creates a new table why should I bother to truncate it.


  • RE: Creating Delete Trigger

    I agree that my perception was wrong.  It worked the way you suggested.

    I thank you as well as other members of the forum who helped me to

  • RE: Creating Delete Trigger

    Hello Kelvin,

    INSERT INTO TS_Deleted

    SELECT * ...

    though is very simple but it forces me to have all columns in the target table that exist in the original table.  In my case...

  • RE: Creating Delete Trigger

    Thanks for yoru help. I am using SQL ver. 2000.

    In fact the first code was also OK.  By mistake another Trigger was also active which was generating the error message. ...

  • RE: Creating Delete Trigger

    I tried your code as shown below but now I am getting an error message when I delete a record in the original table:

    "Insert Error: Column name or number...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)