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Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 89 total)


    Hi, Sean solution is correct but I have failed to make it clear what I am looking for. Its the old adage "Thats what I asked for, but its not...


    Yes Sean, my bad the test data dates should have been...

    INSERT INTO [TblClientPOCV2]([ClientID],[StartDate],[ApptTime],[Duration],[Frequency],[EndDate],[StaffID]




    Each 28 days apart.

    Hi Sean, Thank you for your solutions looks great will test later and let you...


    Hi, Yes in this case Frequency is 1 which means a date for every date between the two dates and the number of new rows inserted into TblAppointment should be...

  • RE: Crosstab query NOT using pivot

    Here is my View VwAppointments1 joining TblAppointments to TblStaff.

    SELECT dbo.TblAppointments.ClientID, dbo.TblAppointments.ApptDate, dbo.TblAppointments.ApptTime,


  • RE: Crosstab query NOT using pivot

    Hi Jeff,

    Well I initially wanted to get the problem as simple as possible until 'we' got the code working, which you did.

    Thats why my Appointments table had only 5 fields...

  • RE: Crosstab query NOT using pivot


    Just ran Jeff's code! Worked Brilliantly...Genius....Thank you so much! :-):-):-):-)

    Also I should have added that ClientID, ApptDate, ApptTime, StaffID are a unique index, therefor no 2 staff will be on...

  • RE: Crosstab query NOT using pivot

    H Guys, thank you for all the posts. Its great support to know that there all these experts available on this forum!

    Well done, correcting the spelling error of ApptTime has...

  • RE: Crosstab Query

    Anyone ???

  • RE: Crosstab Query


    I see now I need to change the final CTE to a temporary table so the dynamic sql is ab leto use it.

    While the crosstab may be quicker than PIVOT...

  • RE: Crosstab Query

    Hi Luis, I am sure there is nothing wrong with it, but I am a SQL beginner and am finding dynamic sql quite confusing. I need something very simple...

  • RE: Syntax error in recursive cte

    HERE is my latest attempt to solve the problem...

    while it produce a correct list of dates on my @cols string. I need the dates to be wrapped with singel...

  • RE: Syntax error in recursive cte

    Hi Guys, I have the above code running well now but have run into another problem with a pivot table

    ,AllData AS


    SELECT A.Dates , C.ApptTime, C.Details

    FROM DailyDates A


  • RE: Syntax error in recursive cte

    Hi Luis,

    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    I know your code works as I have tested it out before. I know it creates a cte of dates but would you mind explaining...

  • RE: Tables Design and store proc transfer For Data

    Hi SSCarpal,

    I love CTE they make perfect sense to me and I have all of my sp done that way there's no going back...

    But thanks for commenting anyways...

  • RE: Tables Design and store proc transfer For Data

    Hi, As promised here is the code I have prepared to give me the 3 tally tables I may need.

    The first Tally example uses a number of cte's that (as...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 89 total)