Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 61 through 67 (of 67 total)

  • RE: NEWBIE - Joins

    I too, would suggest that you might want to restructure the data.  You are mixing 2 discrete things into one column.  WHy not have a column for client and another...

  • RE: Books/On-line resources For Newbies

    I would Suggest "SQL for Smarties" by Joe Celko.  it is very comprehensive about SQL architecture and design of relational databases.  also he is very active in the google newsgroups...

  • RE: How to insert image in a table??

    I would agree with the others above. 

    In general BLOBS are a bad idea. 

    SQL is not the best platform for File storage. 

    If you are concerned about security of...

  • RE: Problem Calling Remote Stored Procedure

    Just a thought,

    Whenever i have had something that did not work in production but does in development it is because of security.  I am god on my box and allowed...

  • RE: Convert my data to Spanish!

    I have recently been asked to make a site "World Wide" and have come up with a few Ideas.  Our Scenario:

    Users around the world need to enter employee information including...

  • RE: Restored instance of Reporting Services now reports dont run


    Bad News.  I think you prolly needed to get the encryption key off of the old server. there was a similar post in a MS newsgroup here is the meat of...

  • RE: Forms-based Authentication


    I recently had the misfortune of trying to implement Reporting services for a web application I have developed that uses forms authentication.  the result was that we are now using...

Viewing 7 posts - 61 through 67 (of 67 total)