Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 31 through 41 (of 41 total)

  • RE: Finding and SHOWING duplicates

    Thanks for your (and everyone else here's) expertise and kindness in sharing your knowledge.  I am in your debt.




  • RE: Finding duplicate entries

    This seems to work exactly right when I ran your test, but when I tried plugging my table/field names in ... I ran into trouble...

    My field names are Permnum,Lastname,Firstname,Birthdate

    Table name...

  • RE: Finding and SHOWING duplicates

    Thanks the the reply..  

    This query is returning all duplicates based on the FN,LN,Bd whether or not the records returned have the same PERMNUM (student ID) ...  the same as...

  • RE: Finding and SHOWING duplicates

    The result this one produces is the same as I got with the derive Access find duplicates code...... the problem being, it is finding the duplicates based upon same FN,LN,BD, ...

  • RE: Finding duplicate entries

    No Problem ... my head is very large... so beware the choking hazard!!!!




  • RE: Finding duplicate entries

    Very interesting solution here... elegantly simple, but perfect.  

    If I may, I am wondering how your query could be modified to enable me to see each of the duplicate entries in...

  • RE: Set Based results question.....

    Is there ameans to attach an excel spreadsheet with some generic data?   I'm looking .. but not seeing....

  • RE: Set Based results question.....

    You're right... I just dropped that in during some testing .. .forgot to take it out before posting.  

    What I'm trying to do here is find rows in the table...

  • RE: Set Based results question.....

    Thanks .. this did produce a result set, but also removed the flag column, which is a problem...    Here's what I'm trying in my ham handed way to do....


    I need...

  • RE: Set Based results question.....

    Tried that... got the same message... puzzling... 

    What I'm trying to do here is find rows in the table where the Concschool field  (school a student is concurrently enrolled in), the...

  • RE: Set Based results question.....

    Thanks.. what should it be ???  

Viewing 11 posts - 31 through 41 (of 41 total)