Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

  • RE: ISNUMERIC equivalent

    That works .. Thank you..

    Best Regards


  • RE: ISNUMERIC equivalent

    but can we use isnumeric inside a stored procedure..?

    Create Proc test..


    IF (LEN(@SerialNum) = 10)

      SET @AgeYear = LEFT(@SerialNum,2)

      IF (ISNUMERIC(@AgeYear))



    i get error saying incorrect syntax near ISNUMERIC.. i know books online lists...

  • RE: BCP and Parent/child tables

    If you have the VS.NET loaded ( I have MS.NET Framework1.1)

    Open MS.NET , Goto Tools Menu..ConnectToDatabase.. Provide necessary Connection details.. after you comlpete this step..

    Under ServerExplorer properties window.. you will...


    Please refer below link

    You could use many performance counters via System Monitor to understand how your query/server is doing.. you will get a lot of information about this in...

  • RE: Dos DTSRun\bcp return "status code"?


    have you considered usign Execute process task in DTS ? This has a return code. and inside a batchfile ( you write bcp statement inside) you can return 0(success) or...

  • RE: DTS and Mixed data file

    Hi Steve,


    Thanks.. for now i managed using the carriage return char

    " -r  \r\n" as the row delemeter .. now the entire column values even though same column spans across multiple lines...

  • RE: DTS Weird Error?

    Hi Phill,

    I found the issue.. If i use 2 connection objects one for creating objects and another for loading tables inside the package (p2).. Things work fine.. If i use the...

  • RE: Copying database objects using scripts

    Thank you guys.. for all the help


  • RE: Executing a step in a DTS package from Another DTS package

    Hi Roy,

    Thanks for your time.. i tried your code..

    Inside Package P2


    oPackage.LoadFromSQLServer  "","","",DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection,"","","","P1"

    for each objStep in oPackage.Steps

      if objStep.Description = "Sendmails" then


      end if


    Calling Package executes successfully but does not...

  • RE: Numbers stored as text - Excel to SQL- DTS

    Hi Guys,


    I tried following

    make an excel sheet with below values


    Serialnumber     Sitename

    1234                0010 ( formatted as text)

    1235                0020

    1236                0030

    1237                3001

    1238                3002 ( formatted as general)

    1239               0040


    now only site names starting with 00...

  • RE: Numbers stored as text - Excel to SQL- DTS

    Hi AJ,

    Yes, all the sitename are populated.. I actually figured out the problem.. but not sure how would i be able to overcome this one..

    here is what is happenning..

    as per...

  • RE: Execute SQL Task

    Hi Balaji,

    Have another step after your copy step is over ,You could use a activex script ( use file system object) to check if the file you are trying to...

  • RE: DTS and Excel (NULL values) issue

    Hey Phill.. you are the man.. thanks.. that was the problem.. i was only deleting the data not the rows in excel.. Thanks..

    Thank you Howard for the informative URL..

    I have...

  • RE: Deploying a DTS package

    Thank you all for your time.. For now i will stick to the methods i described, will certainly have to edit the connection properties in the destinations server as rightly...

  • RE: Nested Transactions - please help


    Thanks for the help.. Upon exception i was inserting exception then call, goto Processnext 

    Processnext : ROLLBACK TRAN


    Like you said " upon exception,I have to call ROLLBACK TRAN first then...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)