Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)

  • RE: Deadlock prediction

    Actually we have 1000 or more procs and it is not an easy task to debug all and find out where person has not used proper coding guidelines

    I was thinking...

  • RE: Deadlock prediction


  • RE: Identifying discrepancies

    You can try this

    create table dbo.emp(EmpId int,DOB datetime,City varchar(30),Gender char(1))

    insert into dbo.emp(empid,DOB,City,Gender)

    select 12335,'1jan2014','Gurgaon','M'

    union all

    select 23456,'10jan2014','Gurgaon','M'

    union all

    select 23456,'1jan2014','Gurgaon','M'

    union all

    select 545432,'1jan2014','Gurgaon','M'

    union all

    select 231245,'1jan2014','Gurgaon','M'

    union all

    select 231245,'12jan2014','Gurgaon','M'

    with cte as


    select distinct a.Empid

    from dbo.emp a...

  • RE: Reseed Max value

    Thanks all. It was nice discussion.

    I had few gaps on my knowledge which i have filled after this discussion. If you get time, please read below article, it has...

  • RE: Reseed Max value

    I agree with you Koen.. it depends on your requirement and interest.


  • RE: Fill a table with huge data using SSIS package

    Yes you can do but i would suggest to test these options before you think for other

    1.Pushing data into an indexed table will take much more time than pushing the...

  • RE: Reseed Max value

    Are you testing me ...?


    1.Identity:- It's table dependent, you can apply identity on single table at a time. It is not a separate database object like Sequence.

    Identity column is specific...

  • RE: Reseed Max value

    I misread the question.I thought he is asking alternate of identity so I suggested Sequence because performance wise, Sequence is better than Identity and we don’t have limitation in sequence...

  • RE: Reseed Max value

    i would suggest to use Sequence in place of identity

  • RE: Value dependent on Email sent

    You can use package variable and that variable value you can use to update your table according to you email sent or not

  • RE: RetainSameConnection performance ?

    I don’t think so because RetainSameConnection = TRUE to control flow of an SSIS package threads together various control tasks. It sets a transaction that can span into multiple...

  • RE: Cannot open the datafile - inconsistent

    I think overwrite or deleting existing file from source folder could be an issue. After loading data into staging table, you can move those file into Archive folder in place...

  • RE: Output in Lakhs

    Can we use like that..

    if it helps

    declare @Lkd int;

    Declare @Tho int;

    Declare @Hun int;

    declare @num decimal;

    set @num=1055263.55;

    set @Lkd=@num/100000

    set @tho=((@num%100000)/100)

  • RE: Finding unused stored procedures

    Will it help


    [procedure] = QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME([object_id]))

    + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME([object_id])),


    avg_execution_time =...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)