Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)

  • RE: Printing issues.. Custom page size??

    If you click on the layout tab and then click on the little square that is in the upper left hand corner at the intersection of the two rulers and...

  • RE: Pass parameter to procedure

    This should work for you. Put the procedure name in the datasource and change the command type  to Stored Procedure. The system should then detect the parameters and give you...

  • RE: Inserting calculated fields in a matrix?

    You can add a column to the matrix and then modify the expression to put in a calculated field. The calculated field can use the sum function as shown below....

  • RE: Matrix ''''Total'''' Row Formating

    This feature is one of the best kept secrets. If you hover the mouse pointer over the little green arrow in the upper right corner of the Total Text box...

  • RE: pass a where clause to reporting services

    You probably will need to use the web service. Set up the report with the parameters specified in the query using the @ParameterName convention. Then you have to set a...

  • RE: Row Headings in a Matrix

    You can type headings into the text box that the matrix has above the rows. The alignment is tricky but using trial and error you can type in a text...

  • RE: Technical Query

    You probably need to set up a report that uses a list control tied to a query that is grouped by each sales person. Then put a sub report that shows the...

  • RE: Expression Help

    You should be able to do this with the immediate if function. A statement something like =IIF(TestFields!Value = 0 ,"N/A",Fields.Value/SecondFields.Value)

    The IIF is structured IIF(Test Condition,True Part, False Part), you...

  • RE: Columns Not Displayed In Order In Matrix

    Click on the column in question and then right click and you will get a tabbed dialog that has a Sort tab. Set the field and sort direction in this...

  • RE: Help on SS2005 RS Help file : Specify stored credentials

    You do this on the reporting services web site. Go to the report click on the report and then click on the properties tab at the top. Click on the...

  • RE: Format Decimal Places in Reporting Services

    The formatting is based on a string. I haven't tried it but you might be able to use an IIF statement to calculate and create the string on the fly.




  • RE: is there a Weighted Average function??

    No, you would have to calculate the totals in a query or stored procedure and then divide the results to get the weighted average.




  • RE: Sent multiple emails (from table)

    It is very easy to set up a subscription. Be sure the data source property on the report has the user id and password stored. Then click on the subsciptions...

  • RE: Sent multiple emails (from table)

    Is the detail report a different report or the same report that is customized using a parameter? If it is really a different report for each person then you would...

  • RE: RS2005 SubTotal every 7 days

    Try putting a subreport that uses the second dataset and pass in the parameters of the employee, and week numbers.



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)