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Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 84 total)

  • RE: Not a Trusted Connection :(

    This is a stumper... You've used 2 different kinds of connection methods, both have SQL Server telling you that you are connecting via windows authentication and failing... I...

  • RE: Not a Trusted Connection :(

    I think I've got it... Well, you are using the OLEDB driver for ODBC, right? Well, try straight OLEDB with the following connection string:

    "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=ead;User Id=ead;Password=webead;"

    This way,...

  • RE: Not a Trusted Connection :(

    Hi Fabio,

    I am 99% sure that the following error is caused by a failed connection using Windows authentication:

    "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed...

  • RE: create logins without being in the securityadmin role

    Greg has a couple good points. First off, there is a difference between granting database access and granting login access. In theory, though, a user that can add...

  • RE: create logins without being in the securityadmin role

    Hi Ricardo,

    You can certainly do this using T-SQL. Just for a point of reference, under Enterprise admin, go to security -> Server Roles -> security admin. Right-click and...

  • RE: Not a Trusted Connection :(

    Hi Fabio,

    Do you have the ability to try other accounts? For example, do you have privileges to use the sa account? If so, try to see if you...

  • RE: Cannot see new Network Drive

    Hi deucellion,

    If you still have xp_cmdshell on your SQL Server, try running the following:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir h:\' --If this works, try the next line:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo "test" > h:\test.txt' --look...

  • RE: Sqlservr.exe doesn´t free the VMemory Size

    Hello Julio,

    I will have to concur with Colin despite his rather blunt answer.  Using 1.7 GB of memory in SQL Server is normal behavior out of the box.  If you...

  • RE: Cachestore Flush and Transaction Log Restores

    Hi Christopher,

    THis isn't an official Microsoft answer, but this is my gut instinct.  If I were to see something like this, I would interpret it as follows.  Essentially, we are...

  • RE: When will support end?

    I don't know the difference between mainstream support (ends 04/08/2008) and extended support (ends 04/08/2013), but here is the link to the info...



  • RE: performance problem - sql server 2005 x64 version - memory allocation - need more information

    Whew, the flood and drought of on-call!  There isn't too much to set up in SQL '05 64-bit.  As long as you can lock pages inmemory, only max and min...


    I took a quick glance at the query at looks like it should work.  Can you parse the command and give us the error, or don't you have a SQL...

  • RE: Database size question

    Here is some fun code I use for this kind of thing.  It uses the undocumented command "dbcc showfilestats", which works in 2000 and 2005.  Here is the script with...

  • RE: Connection Issue !

    I would try a couple troubleshooting steps just to narrow down the problem.

    1)  Look at the SQL Serrver error log to find what TCP/IP port the 2000 instance is listening...

  • RE: Don''t Upgrade to SQL Server 2005

    I have a couple interesting observations.

    1)  When I looked at Steve's article, I saw it right next to an article about upgrading to SQL '05. (did anyone else see the humor...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 84 total)