Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: blocking

    I am guessing at the general nature of your question that this is a relatively new topic to you.

    Types of blocking are documented throught SQL Server help, MS's knowledge base...

  • RE: Upgrading a db from sql2000 to sql2005 - can't connect to db - permissions problem?


    Two popular points can cause problems when connecting to SQL Server which have nothing to do with permissions. You can generally rule out a permission problem if there is no...

  • RE: Backup size should restrict to 4 GB

    I have some suggestions for you:

    File backups

    Have you thought about file backups in your database?

    You will have to do a bit of work but as it appears that it is...

  • RE: Weird exception raised by server

    Taking SQLKiwi's suggestion a little further, a CHECKDB on master could be a good idea. Or a restore of master (backing up your current one first of course).

    You can restore...

  • RE: Weird exception raised by server

    As this returns information across all your databases, are all of your databases online?

    Also, what build are you on?

  • RE: Backup time

    If you look at the table msdb.dbo.backupset it has a column called user_name which will tell you who performed the backup.

    It will also tell you lots of useful information about...

  • RE: backup job's 'View History' is blank in MSSQL 2005

    Something like this could be useful for you.

    The WHERE type = 'D' limits it to full database backups.

    In this example I am just getting the backups over the last ten...

  • RE: Restore

    Hi Talla

    I've done a lot of restores with LiteSpeed so I may be able to help you here.

    I have taken one of my old scripts and set it back to...

  • RE: Script to copy tables and from one database to another


    You may want to think about this slightly differently. If your goal is to maintain a copy of the database in another database (you seem to want to capture changes...

  • RE: xP_fileexist

    I have not experimented with this to say that this is the correct answer but it could be, based on other operations with SQL Server 2005 and 2008.

    Is your SQL...

  • RE: Can I really drop that index?

    It is important to consider if an index is every used. As the DMV information on unused indices is lost at each restart of the instance you may need to...

  • RE: Chang column type on PK column

    Just for the record (and a few years late) you can always capture the code that Management Studio runs by performing a Profiler trace. Sure, you have to execute the...

  • RE: how to avoid sp_cursorprepexec and sp_cursorunprepare?


    I stumbled across this thread and have a little advice.

    The queries look very Siebel to me. There are two approaches to tackle Siebel performance problems but they both start from...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)