Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 361 through 366 (of 366 total)

  • RE: Unwanted sp's ?

    If you want to find out what service pack your sql server is on type

    select @@version

    in query analyser. This gives you a number which refers to the service pack


  • RE: Connecting to a SQL Server 7.0 across 2 networks

    What is the error message you get?

    It may be your netlibrarys not matching up between the two machines.

    For instance if the error message contains dbmssocn it means your pc is...

  • RE: Tempdb % Full

    It may be worth you stopping and starting SQL server, as this recreates your tempdb database from scratch. Hence giving you a clean starting place.

  • RE: Access or MSDE?

    Access 2000 ADP front ends may be worth investigating as well

  • RE: changing datatype from text to varchar

    Try capturing what code sql enterprise manager uses to modify the table.

    ie run profiler against your test database, change the table via enterprise manager,then review your connection information in the...

  • RE: Help -DTS Truncating field?

    Sorted. I needed to check the 'binary' column in the defined destination column

Viewing 6 posts - 361 through 366 (of 366 total)