Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

  • RE: disabling windows account login.

    During the installation of our software we use InstallShield to revoke the Administrator logins, and apply a password to the sa account. This is because (with our wonderful setup on...

  • RE: Attaching/Detaching Database

    A better way would be to use SQL-DMO. It can be used for most functions available via EM. I have a backup/restore utility written in VB which can also drop/detach/reorganise/reindex...

  • RE: restore backup versus detach / attach move

    Another thing to consider is that when Attaching a database you don't already need an entry in SQL Server for that database.

    In my experience I can detach a database from one...

  • RE: Backup failure - file not found

    I had a similair problem here, where our VB SQL-DMO backup program would return an error from SQL Server stating it couldn't find the .mdf file. Reload the software and...

  • RE: SQL Limits and Suspect databases

    What does the SQL error log say about the suspect database, and why it went suspect?

    We've had a spate of such errors here which have been caused by a Log scan...

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)