Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Software Projects: the important boring bits

    I wonder if anything could be more boring than COBOL. All the remaining COBOL programmers I know are securely employed and well compensated.



  • RE: RAID 5 and SQL Server

    I always prefer to consider facts rather than rely completely on theory. Some years back I conducted a test of SAN RAID 5 disk arrays vs. RAID 10...

  • RE: Cursors Be Gone!

    Hello all,

    I've seen lots of alternatives proposed for replacing cursors, but it's hard to judge which is best based on the theoretical discussions. Has anyone compared completion time of...

  • RE: Changing a Non-IDENTITY column to IDENTITY and vice versa

    Clever use of partition switching!

    Note that BOL warns that the transfer could introduce duplication in the identity column and recommends running DBCC CHECKIDENT (presumably after the switch).

    I recommend...

  • RE: 2005 IR Salary Survey


    Out of curiousity, can you tell me what portion of the 49182GBP would be left after income taxes (or do you not have any taxes withheld in the UK?).


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)