Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Deleting Rows in Incremental Loads – Level 5 of the Stairway to Integration Services

    SQL 2008 BOL "ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v10/MS.SQLSVR.v10.en/s10de_1devconc/html/952595a6-cf1d-4ff5-8927-66f9090cf79d.htm". MS finally did something nice. It has it's limitations and place but doesn't everything. I use it quite a bit, but would really...

  • RE: Deleting Rows in Incremental Loads – Level 5 of the Stairway to Integration Services

    I recently was surprised to find importing a large number of wide rows it was faster to use a SSIS merge of two sorted inputs with a conditional split rather...

  • RE: Special Characters

    Not totaly clear about if you wanted to remove all spaces or just leading?? If you are tataly striping the characters just use a series of nested "REPLACE" statements.

    DECLARE @str1...

  • RE: How to replace first occurrance of pipe delimeter

    What about a simple "SUBSTRING" & "PATINDEX"

    DECLARE @str1 VARCHAR(100), @str2 VARCHAR(100), @str3 VARCHAR(100)

    SET @str1 = 'hello | world | I love sql server'

    SET @str2 = '| '+@str1

    SET @str3 =...

  • RE: Just For Fun: An Impossible Delete

    I have not seen this solution in the above list. Not fancy, but performs the initial request to delete duplicate rows leaving the initial entry, with minimal resource impact (especialy...

  • RE: Just For Fun: An Impossible Delete

    The orginal request was to purge the system of "duplicate" rows. Some rows are duplicated and some are not. Additionaly some names lie Terry may be either a...

  • RE: Just For Fun: An Impossible Delete

    -- Create table

    CREATE TABLE dbo.xSource (Name VARCHAR(50), Age TINYINT, Sex CHAR(1))

    INSERT INTO xSource VALUES ('Stephen', 43, 'M')

    INSERT INTO xSource VALUES ('Stephen', 43, 'M')

    INSERT INTO xSource VALUES ('Stephen', 43, 'M')


  • RE: Concatenating Rows


    id SMALLINT,

    name VARCHAR(10)


    INSERT INTO @FRUIT (id, name)

    SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT id, name FROM (VALUES (101, 'Apple'), (102, 'Banana'), (103, 'Orange'), (104, 'Melon'), (105, 'Grape')) X (id, name)


  • RE: ISQLW Replacement

    I greatly appreciate your help on my conundrum. I used Toad with Oracle (Nice) but it looks like it has a large footprint also. I had a copy...

  • RE: ISQLW Replacement

    Maybe I have misunderstood the roll of SQLCMD? What I have read is that it is a fabulous tool to run a SQL script from a command line, but...

  • RE: ISQLW Replacement

    The problem is a need to closely monitor multiple servers jobs running custom applications and performance. This is accomplished easily by TSQL scripts, then when an issue is found...

  • RE: Database Modeling and Diagrams with SQL Server 2008

    I stopped using the DD because when visualizing the DB and you link or make a change to the diagram it actually makes the change in the DB tables. ...

  • RE: Knowledge sharing

    I agree with the consensus above that I love to help others, for very selfish reasons, I expand my knowledge, but it is a drag when people ask to do...

  • RE: Knowledge sharing

    Appreciate the article greatly. I have been working with SQL for a while and have built some nice tools for routine task, but have never been able to share...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)