Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

  • RE: add one coloumn

    To add a column to a table that is published for replication you can use the system stored procedure sp_repladdcolumn provided that the column can be NULL'able or has a...

  • RE: adding column to a replicated table

    This will just add the column. Be sure to note that adding a column this way requires that the column be NULL'able or has a default.

  • RE: Exclude table from replication?

    There is no property or attribute for a table object that would tell replication not to replicate a certain table. With that said there are certain attributes of a table...

  • RE: How to backup DTS packages..

    You can script all SLQ Server Agrnt jobs by right clicking on EM->Management->SQL Server Agent->Jobs and select All Tasks->Generate SQL Script... and select the options you want

    As for DTS Packages...

  • RE: Return a unique row

    What ever you require for a "where" clause if you need to limit your row set.

  • RE: Return a unique row

    Select top 1 * From table_name Where something = something

  • RE: Totals Help!

    if you could add as many details as you can I would be happy to help you but the information you have provided is not nearly enough to help you.

  • RE: Help with T-SQL

    declare @total int

    set @total = 100

    select count (*) from Northwind..Orders -- 830 rows

    set @total = @total + (select count (*) from Northwind..Orders)

    print @total --  should be 930


    This works fine for...

  • RE: Subquery: need to retrieve comparison result for additional use

    Let me know if this does the trick.



     WHEN @value BETWEEN LowB AND HighB THEN AdjB

     ELSE 0 END AS Return_Value

    FROM Table_Name_Here

  • RE: Find partial double entries

    Help me to make sure I understand you correctly this time.

    1. You want to delete all duplicate SerialNo's that end with something other than 'F405'.

    2. Or, you want...

  • RE: Find partial double entries

    Update Table_Name_Here Set SerialNo = LEFT(SerialNo, LEN(SerialNo)-4) + 'F405'

    Where place_your_criteria_here


    This should do the trick. Don't forget to insert your criteria in the where clause or all rows will updated.


    Cheers, Stephen

  • RE: Select out rows into a distinct result



    FROM Series T

         INNER JOIN (

    SELECT SolutionID, MAX(SeriesID)

    FROM Series

    WHERE SolutionID = @SolutionID)  B ON B.SolutionID  = T.SolutionID  AND B.SeriesID = T.SeriesID


    Give this a try. If you still have...

  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    Home from work and don't have the exact code but you are correct, the table dbo.XML_Transactions has two fields the root tag and Overflow field defined as a TEXT column. Will...

  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    How are you getting the XML Doc?


    I am using Bulk Load and an overflow-field (this goes in the .xsd) to get the entire XML DOC into a TEXT field in...

  • RE: How to pass text column to SP?

    Although a little round-about you can declare a local variable of type text. In the create statement of the SP declare a parameter of type text and default it to...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)