Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 66 total)

  • RE: Storing a counter- take 2 (original post has been hi-jacked)

    The couple of replies focused on using an IDENTITY field, which i can't do since the counter value is different per Org/Type. So is the solution I present above...

  • RE: generating and storing a counter

    I do not have a trigger that updates the counter. I can add one if I decide that it's definitely the best option. I generally only use triggers...

  • RE: generating and storing a counter

    Sorry Bruce, for clarification, the tables in my 2 statements are actually the same table. I updated my original post.

  • RE: sp_executesql

    Stobbs for president! Thanks 🙂

  • RE: sp_executesql

    yes, the output runs fine directly.

  • RE: sp_executesql

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.

  • RE: call a function from sp_executesql

    I got it to work using:

    SET @strExec = N'exec @ValueOUT=@CustomFunctionName @InPtHt, @InHtUnits'

    SET @params = N'@CustomFunctionName nvarchar(200),@InPtHt dec(9,3),@InHtUnits varchar(10), @ValueOUT dec(9,3) OUTPUT'

    EXEC sp_executesql @strExec,


  • RE: schema differences

    Yes, great idea- I'll try that too, thanks!

  • RE: schema differences

    All great suggestions, thanks. I ended up using Windiff and it worked fine.

  • RE: Slow insert

    Agreed. Unfortunately I am unable to make changes to the db design, and the whole app/db is slated to be re-written in 08 so the problems will be going...

  • RE: Slow insert

    No, it doesn't look like it.

  • RE: Slow insert

    Hosp_id is a varchar(20) and typically has 4 char values in it (ie '0528'). Ugh, i know.

    Maybe it's not going to get much better than 15 minutes, or at...

  • RE: Slow insert

    Possibly, but the table has 17 million records. Might the dropping and recreating of indexes and constraints take long enough to defeat the purpose of trying to speed up a...

  • RE: Slow insert

    Which table do you mean when you "inserted table"? The table I'm inserting into, or inserting from?

    The tables i'm inserting into and from are identical in schema. Both...

  • RE: uncommitted transactions

    I don't see implicit transaction in the properties, how do I check it?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 66 total)