Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

  • RE: Dead lock issue

    I don't create geolevel frequently, there are 10 different levels with data associated with them, so whenever client application try to download data for 5-6 levels say, then all of...

  • RE: Dead lock issue


    I finally changed my code (procedure) and came to this end.

    if not exists(select [name] from workspace.sys.tables where [name] = 'geoleveltbl')



  • RE: Dead lock issue

    I am not using any explicit transaction. Bound to defaul Read Committed Isolation Level.



  • RE: Dead lock issue


    I used UPDLOCK and it helped to get rid of deadlock, can anybody tell me if it is a good way to use UPDLOCK (since it works...

  • RE: Dead lock issue

    Thanks Grant Fritchey, its helpful.

    Not all times I get primary key voilation or deadlock, but I am sure that I get any of these errors when I ran 10...

  • RE: Dead lock issue

    I am sorry for giving you very little information.

    Actual process: I check for @geolevel (doesn't exist), call another procedure (proc1 which takes couple of parameters along with @geolevel) and create's...

  • RE: Dead lock issue

    if not exists(

    select geolevel from table_geography

    where geolevel = @geolevel)


    insert into table_geography values(@geolevel)




Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)