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Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 314 total)


    I ma assuming that the replacement item is not same as Faultly Item Number. So Try this.

    select a.Emp_no,a.Emp_Name,a.Faulty_ItemSLNO,

     b.Item_Name as Faulty_Item, a.Date_OfRep, a.Replacement_ItemSLNO,

     c.Item_Name as Replacement_ItemName,a.Date_OfAlloc

    from Item_Allocation a,  Item_Master_Table ...

  • RE: Selecting problem

    Since your image was not visible I hope this is what you are looking for>


     SELECT  lMasterForm,szControlName,max(dCreated) as MaxdCreated


     Group by lMasterForm,szControlName) DeDupe on MASTER_FORM_CONTROL.lMasterForm...

  • RE: Automated Restore

    1.Looks like some one is connected to your database. Could it be your process. When u restore your connection should point to Master DB not the DB that you are...

  • RE: Count and multiple Group By

    select count(*)

    from @test

    group by col_1, col_2

    Statement is same as:

    select count(*),col_1,col_2

    from @test

    group by col_1, col_2

    So its giving you the count of combinations of col_1 and col_2. Hope this clarifies your question.



  • RE: Configure Account to Run Job

    The account that runs SQL Agent needs to have appropriate permission on the network folder.It does not have to be "sysadmin" role it can be "processadmin".


  • RE: Copying rows to an archive table

    Are you trying to Copy the entire production table to historical table?

    Are they in the same server/database if so then the best way is to use stored procedure

    Why do u...

  • RE: Trouble with triggers

    scope identity is going to return the identity value on I_MPromo table. Looks like you want the ID from the Audit Header table.If so you can...

  • RE: Update in batches

    Can you export the primary keys into a Temp table that has identity. Once that table is populated you can use that as lookup table and update data in chunks.



  • RE: Update in batches

    Does ur table have an identity column or datetime column that can be used. If so u can easily write code to do update in chunks and u can set...

  • RE: Importing Text Files

    Haven't you looked at DTS or BULK INSERT?


  • RE: select

    From your question, I am assuming Pay is in a different table so without knowing the structure I would say you can get Top pay by...

  • RE: SP resultset to a table

    Do you want the output of an SP to populate a table? If so why can't you populate a table as part of sp and query the table when sp...

  • RE: DTS, Login and password problem

    I would first say never use sa. SA is the most powerful login that can be in SQL.If all the DTS does is to read data or write data create...

  • RE: How to move only changed data using DTS

    That is possible but to do that you need to have a datetime stamp on the table that you want to move and an indicator in all the table to...

  • RE: Ignore Duplicate ==> Clustered or Non clustered


    Biggest advantage of Clustered Index is when doing searches cos clusterted index determines the physical order of the data in the table. Clustered Index is useful on columns that are...

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 314 total)