Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: UDF T-SQL Help?

    I agree with PW,

    Unless you made a typo you are not executing the same UDF that you posted

    CREATE function ReFormatDate (@date varchar(15), @CurrentDate datetime)

    Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1,...

  • RE: Stored Proc calls others but stops

    Well based on what you have here you are stacking your if's and not nesting them.

    Depending on what you desire.  It is hard to guess your logic without more info.


  • RE: Using variables in subqueries...


    DECLARE @salesPrice ???

    SELECT @salesDate = sp1.salesDate, @salesPrice = sp1.salesPrice

    FROM salesProduct sp1

    WHERE sp1.salesDate = (

     SELECT MIN( sp2.salesDate )

     FROM salesProduct sp2

     WHERE sp2.saleProductId = sp1.saleProductId


    AND sp1.salesProductId = 4

  • RE: Database Design and Reference Tables

    you said, "Think about the time saved for creating  screens for each reference table."

    Well you must have spent time in building your own RI and you must have spent time...

  • RE: Database Design and Reference Tables

    My first reaction to this article was, Oh no not another Oracle DBA who was brought up on Forms.

    The most common places I have seen this type of design is the "OLD"...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)