Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: XML Conversion using Cross Apply

    Cheers Lutz,

    I knew it was the namespace thing. Just gotta get my head around the markup. Cheers for your help!

    Very much appreciated.

  • RE: XML Conversion using Cross Apply

    SELECT node.l.value('id[1]','NVARCHAR(10)'),


    FROM @tab CROSS APPLY xml_feed.nodes('//*/region/item') node(l)

    WHERE NOT node.l.value('name[1]','NVARCHAR(255)') IS NULL;

  • RE: CLR Problem

    I'm not hugely familiar with .net but I was thinking something along the lines of:

    .NET Script:

    Download the XML and place it in the DB

    Stored Proc:

    Get the XML and manipulate it...

  • RE: CLR Problem

    I'm pretty sure we don't have SSIS on our version of SQL Server. Is CLR my only option?

  • RE: CLR Problem

    It's going to be a scheduled task, not something called by clients. so, that in mind, is it best i return a table of results or the block xml then...

  • RE: CLR Problem

    Hi guys, cheers for the responses.

    I've tried the RETURNS Table () on it but I still get an error. 🙁

    I'm kind of new to the CLR thing so forgive...

  • RE: Sending HTML Newsletters in a Batch Using SQL Server

    Good solution. We have used a very similar method for a while to send out large mailing lists on a daily basis. It's very quick.

    Also, we send out in the...

  • RE: Calculating distance between 2 Easting & Northing values (UK)

    Hi guys,

    Cheers for all the responses. Top stuff!

    I've managed to put together the following function if it helps anyone:

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_radialDistance] (

    @east1 float,

    @north1 float,

    @east2 float,

    @north2 float

    ) returns...

  • RE: Certificate is about to expire. What to do?!

    ah right!


    cheers Adi.

  • RE: Allowing users to define columns....

    Very interesting. Cheers Paul.

    You learn something new every day!


  • RE: Allowing users to define columns....


    Thanks for your input. Appreciated. The name entered would just be a label so it might look something like this:

    ID Table Name


    1 employees

    ID TableID...

  • RE: Coping with Unicode characters...a quick question

    Hi Jack,

    Ok. That's great. It should be all ok then. Just need to check all my fields are definitely nvarchars and i'll make the update.

  • RE: XML Parsing problem

    Ah I see. I'm with you now.

    Fantastic, that worked. Thanks Mark! It's just the 1st time I've encountered namespaces on my XML imports

  • RE: XML Parsing problem

    Hi Mark,

    Ok...that's getting a bit further I think. I've done what you say but I now get the correct number of rows, but all NULL values.

  • RE: XML Parsing problem

    Hi guys,

    The case is correct. I've double checked and it's all ok.

    I'm wondering if I have set the namespace wrong...

    Just to clarify with a bit more detail. Here is...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)