Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 1,137 total)


    rockingadmin (10/16/2009)

    Actually, i want to close the connections who are connected for long hours and their status is sleeping. because of too many connections in the server.

    can you guide...

  • RE: Offensive Language in DB

    Normally a dictionary file/table is used or a filter. most websites or forums utilise this form of strategy. similiar to how sql injection is basically dealt with. all input is...

  • RE: SQL Agent Job Failed to Start

    WilliamBendall (10/16/2009)

    Hi All,

    I have a job scheduled to start at 5:00 PM everyday. Yesterday this job didn't start. I looked in the Job Activity Monitor view and found that the...

  • RE: Database table lock

    swear i answered this one about 10 minutes ago.

    it is not an error, just an informational, just telling you that it called a extended stored procedure to read some values...

  • RE: Not able to login to SQL 2005 Studio

    I take it that all the sql services are running, did you disable any thing else?, is there anything mentioned in the windows event logs?

  • RE: Role Assignment

    lyeslink (10/16/2009)

    Hi helpers,

    I have a little problem with my security in my server SQl 2008, when a new user is created in the server, it has only the administrator rights...

  • RE: database problem

    It is not an error, the extended stored procedure is used to read values from the registry. I doubt that it is related to your problems.

  • RE: t-sql query urgent need help

    You need to give more information if you want help, is it always going to be the 6th record or can it be any record and why is it that...

  • RE: Bizarre unshrinkable msdb table

    When you shrink it using SSMS 20005 do you shrink the database or do you shrink files.

    if you select to shrink by files, make sure that the file type is...

  • RE: Bizarre unshrinkable msdb table

    did you actually shrink it using the reorganise option?

  • RE: Bizarre unshrinkable msdb table

    If you are concerned about the physical file size of the msdb database, last resort is to shrink it and then after that rebuild the indexes.

  • RE: Shrink mdf file

    Can you give us more information like.

    How big is the mdf file

    how big is the ldf file

    if you run dbcc loginfo on that database what do you get

    what is your...

  • RE: Problem connecting to SQL server 2000

    Siddu-916480 (10/15/2009)


    I have a problem on my SQL server 2000.

    We had a migration from old one to new one. As a part of it, detached all the dbs and moved...

  • RE: Upgrade 2000 DB to 2008

    george sibbald-364359 (10/15/2009)


    Was that the answer, or did you have a caffeine free moment.

  • RE: Login errors please help asap..............

    you are doubling the quotes

    when you have got

    EXEC sp_addrolemember N''db_datareader'', N''IBM\Pratck''

    replace it with

    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', N'IBM\Pratck'

    do that for all of the lines that error and you will be fine

    you can...

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 1,137 total)