Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Security

    I think, Question is not very clear. For example If you remove Builtin\Administrator from sysadmin group, then Windows admin also does not have rights on newly created db.As mentioned in...

  • RE: Integer or String data type for primary key

    Its good choice

    You know what I feel, at db level value should be at the purest level. And change query as per report requirement. If you change db as per...

  • RE: Transaction Log growing

    Growth of Log file depends on Recovery model. There are three type of recovery mode

    a)Full -- Rapid growth of...

  • RE: SQL Trace

    I think question is good and answer is also good.

    Out of space not stop your service, but it also not allow to continue your work


  • RE: Integer or String data type for primary key

    Numeric value is always a good choice for Key. But important thing is that, no matter whatever you are using (number/string/stamp) but it should meet your business requirement 100%.

    For your...

  • RE: Automatically Generated Numbers

    If you dont want to show Identity column in table, According to me you have two options:

    a) As mentioned in other's reply use computed column

    b) Create a table for each...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)