Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 60 total)

  • RE: SQLSERVER Agent AlwaysOn

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. Adding the dbo.fn_hadr_database_is_primary function worked just liked I wanted.

    Additional question now.

    Server A and Server B both has...

  • RE: SQLSERVER Agent AlwaysOn

    That worked! Thank you for much for helping.

    One additional question. I have the function dbo.fn_hadr_database_is_primary running on the Primary and Secondary server. I have a job setup...

  • RE: SQLSERVER Agent AlwaysOn

    ok, this works........ which is good but I don't want it to run if it's not primary. What am I missing?

    DECLARE @DB_name NVARCHAR(128) = N'Q2DB_312102';


  • RE: SQLSERVER Agent AlwaysOn


    But if it's set to 'secondary'. How do I just exit? I don't want the job to run if the DB is marked 'secondary'

    (Sorry. I'm new...

  • RE: SQLSERVER Agent AlwaysOn

    thank you. I found the below and it works by returning role_desc = secondary

    SELECT ...

  • RE: SQLSERVER Agent AlwaysOn

    Thank you for your reply. That function is only available in SQL 2014/2016. Do you know what function would work in 2012?


  • RE: SQLSERVER linked server

    Correct. No databases appeared until I choose 'SQL server' as 'Server Type'

    NOTE: I have never had to do this until SQL2012


  • RE: SQLSERVER linked server

    I fixed this. When creating a linked server in 2012 to another SQLSERVER you need to click 'SQL Server' under Server Type on the General Tab


  • RE: Order by numeric doesn't work

    smaller example:

    this set of code

    Select *--top 10 c14.nID, [FldNumeric23760]

    from tblObjectType3_14 C14

    Inner Join tblObjectType3_12 C12 on C12.nID=C14.nID

    Inner Join tblTerritory T on T.tID=C12.FldNumeric23369

    where [FldNumeric23764] = 2

    and tID = 1

    order by [FldNumeric23760]

    NOTE: ...

  • RE: Order by numeric doesn't work

    the select statement in the join assigns a number in the "n" column


    it also orders it there

    however when trying to use the case statement at the top the "n" is...

  • RE: Order by numeric doesn't work

    the select statement in the join orders the numbers asc and if you run everything below the case statement it works, but as you run the whole thing the order...

  • RE: SQLServer becoming unresponsive

    No, I don't have login triggers


  • RE: SQLServer becoming unresponsive

    Error [298] sqlserver Error: 258 TXP provider: Timeout error [258].

    Error [165] ODBC error: Login timeout expired

    Error [298] Sqlserver error: 258 Unable to complete login process due...

  • RE: SQLServer becoming unresponsive

    Error Log

  • RE: Linked Server to Oracle

    I am connecting to 10G also.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 60 total)