Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Count query!!!

    Thanks Naveed,

    I got the same result byu doing this

    select  B.BranchName,

     count(distinct T.Id) as 'Tran Count',

     count(I.Id) as 'Item Count',

     sum(case when cast(I.iqaresult as int)+ cast(I.iuaresult as int) =0 then 1 else...

  • RE: Help no Delete

    Thanx Frank,

    Can u tell me how this Referential Integrity is implemented, as Bersileus mentioned?



  • RE: Help no Delete

    Thanx Dave for that tip. But is it still possible to do all this in one single query ???

  • RE: updating without using Cursor

    Thanx a bunch Jeff. It works like a dream, i just replaced  your Where condition by

    WHERE A.primarykey = BD.primarykey


  • RE: Date Functions

    Thanks Frank !!!

    An excellent article.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)