Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

  • RE: Certification Thoughts

    Also - More specific Certs like Cisco has are great for identifying specialties but it will also create a perceived need to have multiple certs. Plus the people doing the...

  • RE: Certification Thoughts

    One aspect of the problem with certifications is the perception of these certs by CFO's and others that do the hiring of IT people. I personally beleive that the...

  • RE: Understanding Trace items

    Thanks John that helps.

    So sp_prepexec takes a command string as input, and generates an execution plan so that it can be quickly executed later??



  • RE: Order by problem

    I think for some reason SQL requires a different thought pattern than standard programming. Much of the reading I have done instructs you to think of SQL as just another...

  • RE: Using MAX in SELECT Criteria


    I knew I was overlooking something simple.

  • RE: commiting transactions

    Could you use a cursor to count rows?

  • RE: key is not unique

    From the MS Access find duplicates query wizard...

    SELECT First(dbo.tablename.key_column) AS [DUPE_ID], Count(dbo.tablename.key_column) AS NumberOfDups

    FROM dbo.table

    GROUP BY dbo.tablename.key_column

    HAVING (((Count(dbo.tablename.key_column))>1));

  • RE: Distributed Query/ Stored Procedure Help

    Found the problem:;%5BLN%5D;296769

    I added



    To the top of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and all is well.

    Thanks for your reply.

  • RE: Distributed Query/ Stored Procedure Help

    In QA I Ran This Successfully:



    WHERE ([ID] = 'CFR26141585')

    However, when I try to put...

  • RE: enterprise manager hangs

    Not a solution but some input.

    I have a low use SQL 2K install on 2003 Server std edition. have not seen your problem but have seen the SQL Service...

  • RE: Honey, I Enlarged the Database!

    Should I run an update query on the sysindexes table to set the OrigFillFactor to 0? As I said above for some reason this is set as 25 in the...

  • RE: Honey, I Enlarged the Database!

    The log file is only showing as 50MB. What is your take on the results of sp_spaceused null, true showing 1,963,280 KB as index space?

  • RE: Honey, I Enlarged the Database!

    ran sp_spaceused null, true:

    ~ Old Normal Sized DB Results ~

    database_name ...

  • RE: Honey, I Enlarged the Database!

    I ran this:

    sp_msforeachtable 'dbcc dbreindex(''?'')'





    The SHRINKDATABASE command only took 1 second to complete.(?)

    In Enterprise Manager I see:

    Data Fles Tab shows 4603MB Space allocated

    Transaction log 50MB Space...

  • RE: Honey, I Enlarged the Database!

    SQL SERVER 2000 SP3a on Win2000 Server SP4

    The DB has 1 datafile and I ran DBCC SHRINKFILE (1)

    This only brings the datfile down to 4.8GB. It was at ~ 2GB...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)