Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)

  • RE: SPROC execution very slow

    The query that was slowing the sproc was an UPDATE statement and it's condition was comparing an attribute that was of bigint type. I changed the attribute to varchar type...

  • RE: SPROC execution very slow

    I run profiler. I run TSQL duration, Tuning and TSQL SPs templates and they all told me the same thing ( which I already knew) that one query was slowing...

  • RE: SPROC execution very slow

    Ok, so I checked the execution plans of each individual query in the sproc and compared them to the entire sproc - the plans are the same.

    After running the sproc...

  • RE: SPROC execution very slow

    Duh, thanks...

  • RE: SPROC execution very slow

    sorry if this seems like a silly question but how can I print the wall clock time in the sproc?

  • RE: SPROC execution very slow

    I've tried dropping anf re-entering and sp_recompile. Didn't make a difference.

    I've beed playing around with different isolation levels but they all give me the same results. 10 minutes execution time.


  • RE: Alerts via SMTP

    Turns out the problem was the server address I was inputing. It was wrong! I put the wrong smtp ip...

    So it all works great now.

    Thanks for everyone's help.

  • RE: Alerts via SMTP

    Thanks Martin!

    I'll check it out.


  • RE: Alerts via SMTP

    I've added the following error checking to my SPROC:

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object, @source OUT, @description OUT

    IF @hr = 0


    SELECT @output = ' Source:...

  • RE: Alerts via SMTP

    Here is my SPROC:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_sendmail (@recipients varchar(200), @message varchar(2000))


    declare @object int, @hr int, @v_returnval varchar(1000), @serveraddress varchar(100)

    Set @serveraddress = ''

    exec @hr = sp_OACreate 'SimpleCDO.Message', @object OUT

    exec @hr =...

  • RE: Query Optimization

    one second! It's great!

    It's a part of a SPROC that has about 10 other queries so time is everything.

    Thanks again!

  • RE: Query Optimization

    Thanks guys for all your help.

    I see the error of my ways now.



  • RE: Query Optimization

    Thank you Remi,

    This query runs instantly, the only problem is it gives me a different record set. It finds more records to be inserted.

    It may be because my old query...

  • RE: Executing DTS package from Perl

    This is great sblock!

    I'll try it.


  • RE: Executing DTS package from Perl

    Never mind, I figured it out.

    If anyone is interested:

    system("dtsrun /S serverName /N \"PackageName\" /U userName /P password");


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)