Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 321 total)

  • RE: Automating Excel from SQL Server

    I'd have to agree with Piers,

    This looks like it could be useful under certain circumstances and for that reason the article is worthwhile.

    In most cases though, I would not...

  • RE: Union

    David McKinney (9/11/2008)

    Why not use UNION instead of DISTINCT or GROUP BY?

    I'm not recommending it to anyone - as it appears to do more work than either of the other...

  • RE: Union

    The except and intercept clauses are great if you want to compare 2 data sets but for whatever reason cannot use the primary keys. Or you need to compare 2...

  • RE: Union

    If you wanted to use several unions like that then I think it would be wise to wrap sets together.

    if you had 3 tables, each with identicle columns (just different...

  • RE: Union

    Except and Intersect - Fantastic, something I didn't know had been added for 2005

    I've used (to great effect i might add) the extended UNION (INTERSECT and MINUS) features which have...

  • RE: Using XML to Enhance the Performance of String Manipulations

    WayneS (8/19/2008)

    Hey all...

    I don't know how it happened, but the code in the article is missing some spaces from what I submitted.

    Seems to be happening on other articles...

  • RE: How to use OUTPUT clause result in SSIS 2005 / 2008 (RC0)

    Nice article, looks very similar to getting a list of values from a table and looping through them.

    This is one of the things which I don't like about SSIS, sometimes...

  • RE: Excel with Stored Procedures

    magarity kerns (8/13/2008)

    I love the way the technical spec was written and finished first and then they came to the DBA to ask how/if it can be done. Who...

  • RE: Excel with Stored Procedures


    If you're using reporting services and users have web access to run reports then reports can easily be integrated into Excel (not sure about Excel 2000) using a web query.


  • RE: Just For Fun: An Impossible Delete

    I think this calls for Monty Pythons The Four Yorkshiremen skit:

  • RE: The New ETL Paradigm

    Sorin Petcu (2/1/2008)

    I 've used the Migration Wizard for my DTS packages and it was worked well. But, my new server and database server have different names from the old...

  • RE: Lesson Learned from Contracting, Revisited

    john (4/15/2008)

    Speaking as a former freelance contractor now turned back to the ways of regular paychecks, I thought the article was very fair and reflects my own experience.

    What tempted you...

  • RE: tsql case statement

    Mahesh Bote (4/15/2008)

    No need to write separate select for assigning values for multiple variables. Within the single Select this can be done and even it is faster than SET.


    not part...

  • RE: Temporary I have to declare how many columns and the data type?

    This little snippet might help

    select * into #temp1

    from [add your source objects here]

    where 1=2

    select * from tempdb.dbo.syscolumns

    where id = (select id from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#temp1%')


  • RE: tsql case statement

    declare @HasAnyRows int


    DECLARE @Section int

    SELECT @Section = 1

    SELECT @HasAnyRows = 0

    IF @HasAnyRows <= 0 and @section = 1

    SELECT @COL =...

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 321 total)