Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 399 total)

  • RE: Primary Key column also a Foreign Key column in same table...

    You guys know the other thread I have going at the moment where I asked 'Referential Integrity: Who needs it - right?...'? This is from that database, and yes...

  • RE: Referential Integrity: Who needs it - right? (Discussion)

    Thanks for the input on this...The reason I asked this question to begin with is that the only true discussion I was able to find was out in an Oracle...

  • RE: Issue with BCP

    Honestly? I don't really know. The import was delegated to someone else who was whining about me taking to long to figure it out, so what they did...

  • RE: Issue with BCP

    Actually, I was only trying to export to a text file to start, and was going to use the BULK INSERT command from SSMS, but it's okay - we have...

  • RE: Issue with BCP

    opc.three (5/3/2012)

    [Simple as PRO-DBSERVER4B\sqladmin not having access to DB [FLEET-V3]?

    The user sqladmin is a Windows user - not a SQL user, but has all needed privileges to operate in the...

  • RE: Issue with BCP

    Also - the databases are on 2 different servers in the same subnet (I can load both instances on either machine when I remote in).

    The error starts off by saying...

  • RE: Issue with BCP

    Hello -

    Yes - both databases are in default instances. My understanding of the -S switch is that it gives you the ability to specify the server name if...

  • RE: Can you diagnose this query?

    Yep...I learned that lesson the hard way last year, and now all of my code starts with BEGIN TRANSACTION, and COMMIT TRANSACTION / ROLLBACK TRANSACTION at the end of my...

  • RE: Issue with TableDiff...

    Look at my code above...Knuckle-headed me had a '>' in there at the beginning of the path.


  • RE: Does sequence of MDF defrag and index rebuild matter?

    Yes - that is what I found in my research yesterday as well. The HP Insight Manager is what looks to be the software set that is needed. ...

  • RE: Does sequence of MDF defrag and index rebuild matter?

    Reason I was asking is because the internal array from HP (for which that part makes up 2.8tb of space) apparently did not come with any tools to do any...

  • RE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services missing

    The 2005 Standard Edition comes with all of the sql sub-systems (SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, and BIDS...).

    Your setup will give you the option to install the SSRS piece, or to install...

  • RE: Does sequence of MDF defrag and index rebuild matter?

    Glad I found this thread...question for you Gail - you alluded to using a tool specifically from the manufacturer of a given SAN to perform defrags with (if and when...

  • RE: Issue with TableDiff...

    Got it to work this time...Ran it manually like your suggested instead of from a batch. Seems well except for my results! :w00t:

    Thanks again G!

  • RE: Issue with TableDiff...

    Hey G!

    I thought this same thing too, but wouldn't it have then also generated my request sql file?

    I didn't see a temp or perm table with my table name, nor...

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 399 total)