Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • Reply To: More Linux than Windows

    I don't think the war for the desktop is over yet. MS has put so much time and energy into cross platform tools and server apps running on Linux that...

  • Reply To: Are We Suckers?

    dave.farmer wrote:

    I fell into this game as a youngster, but pretty quickly discovered that there's no reward, the extra hours rarely earn you pay, appreciation or even get noticed. Recent...

  • RE: Limiting the Ability to Concentrate and Collaborate

    For introverts who have to do deep technical work, open offices are the 7th circle of hell. Idle chatter gets so loud you can't hear yourself think. Most of the...

  • RE: Would You Move to Linux for Price?

    I honestly think Microsoft would rather be out of the OS business altogether. That isn't where the money is at. Besides, with the focus on Azue (which is ran on...

  • RE: Are You a Traffic Cop?

    I think it depends on the culture you're in. When I worked at a Bank and Hospital, you valued stability over change. Now that I work in a development shop,...

  • RE: The Last iPhone

    Made the switch from Android to Apple years ago, and I am much happier. In fact, it precipitated a change in our household to move to Apple altogether. No more...

  • RE: The Learning Choice

    It comes down to where you are currently, where you want to be eventually, and then a strategic guess as to where the jobs will be in the future. Then...

  • RE: Is work just work?

    JustMarie - Thursday, March 30, 2017 7:23 AM

    SQLMac - Thursday, March 30, 2017 4:23 AM


  • RE: Is work just work?

    Work is work. It's a just a job that enables me to do the other things I love to do like ride my motorcycles, go hiking, go camping, etc. After...

  • RE: What motivates you to do your best?

    Pretty simple for me, I'm motivated by my own curiosity and pride in a job well done. If I'm going to take the time to do something, than I want...

  • RE: Is PowerShell Intimidating?

    With Microsoft releasing SQL on Linux in 2017....and now the announcement that BASH is coming to Windows, is Powershell still relevant? Why wouldn't DBA's just learn and use Python?

  • RE: Are We Engineers?

    No, we're not engineers. Software and the IT industry move to fast to allow for the rigor of an engineering discipline. It is both the beauty of the industry and...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)