Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 2,851 through 2,865 (of 2,903 total)

  • RE: Veritas Backup Exec 8.6 and SQL Server

    It appears to only affect backup straight to tape. Here's the best thing to do...check your 'build' number. Make sure it is Backup Exec 8.6.3878. If it is 3808, then...

  • RE: URGENT! Order for restoring???

    Okay, so the order isn't necessary. That's what I've been hearing on other sites also. However, I put Master in single user mode (I knew I needed to use the...

  • RE: 192GB Snapshot - How long?

    This won't be used for tranactional replication. It's just a one-time copy of the whole database. I completely overlooked the option of just restoring the database from tape to the...

  • RE: Views and Security

    All members are automatically part of the PUBLIC role, I can't drop anyone from PUBLIC nor drop PUBLIC (I tried via Enterprise Manager and got the error 'members cannot be...

  • RE: Microsoft: "Don´t use the prefix sp_"

    I use my initials on stored procedures and require that anyone else who creates stored procedures use their initials. It's an easy way to keep track of who made what.



  • RE: What's With GetDate() ?

    I think the issue with GETDATE() is one of those screwy Microsoft things....through experimenting with it I came to this conclusion:

    When used with SELECT, GETDATE() brings back the system date/time...

  • RE: ascending/Descending other than Order By clause?


    DISTINCT does not cause the retrieved data to be sorted in any way. I have used SELECT DISTINCT in several queries and the data is NEVER returned sorted unless I...

  • RE: time_t and to_date conversions

    The syntax for CONVERT is:

    CONVERT(datatype, value or field, style)


    CONVERT(datetime, time_t, 1) in pseudocode is

    convert the information in time_t to datetime using the mm/dd/yy style.

    See the Books Online, go to the...

  • RE: Backup / Restore plan

    I'd like to know how long that would take also, but I'm wondering why you aren't doing Differential backups. (I'm trying to get a system to test restores, but....). I...

  • RE: Best way to keep backups for long time

    Since this is a legal issue and you are planning on saving offsite. I would look into the possibility of having a remote database and mirroring the data to it....

  • RE: declaring variable

    OOOPPS, I made a mistake....try this (note parenthesis' around the select statement):

    declare @comp_failed as int

    SET @strSQL = 'SET @comp_failed = (SELECT SUM(FAILED) FROM TIME_VW WHERE ' + @STR)




  • RE: declaring variable

    Have you tried this?

    declare @comp_failed as int

    SET @strSQL = 'SET @comp_failed = SELECT SUM(FAILED) FROM TIME_VW WHERE ' + @STR




    Have you tried moving that line to the where clause?



    CASE WHEN Accounts.Account_No IS NOT NULL

    THEN Accounts.Account_No


    FROM Customers

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Accounts

    ON Customers.Cust_Name = Accounts.Cust_Name

    WHERE (Customers.Location...

  • RE: declaring variable

    Just for testing purposes, have you tried it without the variable?



    I know you need to use the variable,...

  • RE: New to SQL Server

    I 'stole' this link from Steve Jone's article 'Conflicting Instructions' (go to the home page and check it out). This is the link to get the download for the updated...

Viewing 15 posts - 2,851 through 2,865 (of 2,903 total)