Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 360 total)

  • RE: Tips for New DBAs

    Paul DB (11/18/2008)

    Awesome article. 😎


    I wish there was a collection of these articles we could give to newbies. I'm sure that most are already written and just waiting to...

  • RE: Login failed for user '(null)'.

    This is a Kerberos delegation issue because you don't have the appropriate SPN's set in Active Directory for MS SQL Service on both or either servers.

    It's a frustrating thing.

    It's most...

  • RE: New Security Treat - KB958644

    Our windows team patched thousands of systems with no troubles that I know of on MSSQL.


  • RE: standalone server to cluster

    My advice:

    Forget building a cluster out of a standalone.

    Build the new 2 node cluster and make it SQL 2005 (since you posted in the 2005 forum). Set up...

  • RE: Looking for the recommended maximum number of DBs per instance

    I don't have a magic number, but it really does depend on where your bottleneck shows up.

    Here are a few bottlenecks to watch out for, some are deal-breakers, some are...

  • RE: Database Shrink

    Besides not doing that at all... my only advice would be that if you did... take a full backup afterward to start a new recovery chain.

    I'm shocked at the number...

  • RE: sp_who\who2 permisisons

    In these cases, rather than grant any sort of elevated access, I write a wrapper stored procedure 'with execute as' a priviliged account. This way they can only see...

  • RE: Mitigatng Circumstances for a Heap ?


    yes, yes... touche

    In those cases when I'm strapped for extra 208k of disk, I usually drop the clustered index.


  • RE: Index rebuild and fragmentation level

    Matt Miller (11/7/2008)

    Here's a way to test it:

    create table fragtable (gid uniqueidentifier default newid() primary key clustered, fun int)

    create index bob on fragtable(fun)


    insert fragtable(fun)

    select rand(checksum(newid()))*75

    from sys.all_columns

    go 30

    dbcc showcontig('fragtable')

    ALTER INDEX bob...

  • RE: Show me the next max() value


    works like a charm.


  • RE: Index rebuild and fragmentation level

    I do know from extensive testing, that reorging an index of less than 1000 pages is pointless, but rebuilding will show reduced fragmentation

    I'm curious.

    From the DMV, what's the value of...

  • RE: Mitigatng Circumstances for a Heap ?

    Gaby A. (11/7/2008)

    Archive tables with little or no frequent access afterwards are probably the only time I'd avoid an index. Should I have to retrieve data from it in...

  • RE: How updating index is done?

    SQL Books online is a great tool you should consider using.

    This is a SQL 2005 forum, btw.


  • RE: Collation Error

    It looks to me like you'll be dropping and recreating indexes.

    I can't see a way to avoid it.... test it first.


  • RE: Defragmentation in 2005 vs 2000

    using that DMV you can get some more information that is useful such as the page length of the index, , partitioning, and you can look in syscolumns and...

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 360 total)