Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 135 total)

  • RE: Pivot problem

    thanks vinu

    Now i am trying to join this query with a table to get the desire results

    CREATE TABLE #tProduct


    tProductID bigint PRIMARY KEY,

    tProductCode nvarchar(128),

    tProductName nvarchar(256),

    tManufacturerName nvarchar(256),

    tProductDescription nvarchar(4000)



  • RE: Pivot problem

    Hi Lynn, thanks for the reply

    The value in ParentFeatureName can be dynamically will not always give the same value

    I am trying this dynamic pivot..but still not getting the...

  • RE: Installing SQL server 2008 Express from windows application

    Hi I am getting this error while executing this commands

    "/qs " + //Specifies that Setup runs and shows progress through the UI, but does not accept any input or show...

  • RE: Search a string from multiple column in a table

    Eugene Elutin (11/29/2012)

    Try this:

    SELECT S.CityId, C.Name

    FROM @City AS S

    CROSS APPLY (VALUES (CityName),(AlternateCityName1),(AlternateCityName2)) C(Name)

    WHERE C.Name LIKE @SearchString + '%'

    Thanks Eugene..never known we can use Cross Apply in this way.

  • RE: Search a string from multiple column in a table

    Want a cool sig (11/29/2012)

    dilipd006 (11/29/2012)

    Thanks dave

    Is there any performance issue if i create Filterindex for each AlternateCityName column.

    I want to load thi city in a text box while typing...

  • RE: Search a string from multiple column in a table

    Thanks dave

    Is there any performance issue if i create Filterindex for each AlternateCityName column.

    I want to load thi city in a text box while typing the characters.If i i use...

  • RE: String concatenation

    Thanks J Livingston and Cadavre for the solution

  • RE: String concatenation

    thanks for the reply

    but i didn't get the expected result




    I don't want to use Cursor as i am using this query as subquery in other query

  • RE: Geography datatype problem in updation

    So i can choose any method (Point or STPointFromText ) method for the calculation .

    It doesn't affect the result in calculating nearby places. right?

  • RE: Geography datatype problem in updation

    Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (8/14/2012)

    Read up on the geography::Point, especially regarding the X (Latitude) and Y (Longitude) coordinates.

    In this article it is written X=latitude, y= when updating

    i am passing...

  • RE: Geography datatype problem in updation

    dilipd006 (8/14/2012)

    After executing the updation with geography::STGeomFromText method

    there is no change in the latitude,longitude order in the result

    POINT (8.4827 76.9192)

    but when i use geography::Point method there is a change in...

  • RE: Geography datatype problem in updation

    DECLARE @Latitude float = 8.4827

    DECLARE @Longitude float = 76.9192

    DECLARE @ID int = 1

    UPDATE [dbo].[LocationCopy]


    LocationGeography = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT('+CAST(@Latitude AS Varchar)+' '+CAST(@Longitude AS Varchar)+' )', 4326)

    WHERE LocationID =...

  • RE: Geography datatype problem in updation

    UPDATE [MarvelTour_DEV].[dbo].[LocationCopy]


    LocationGeography = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT('+CAST(@Longitude AS Varchar)+' '+CAST(@Latitude AS Varchar)+')', 4326)

    WHERE LocationID = @ID

    So these methods only take Varchar datat type only after converting to varchar it is...

  • RE: Geography datatype problem in updation (8/14/2012)

    Doh, forgot the +, should of been an easy one to spot

    DECLARE @Latitude float = 8.4827

    DECLARE @Longitude float = 76.9192

    DECLARE @ID int = 1

    UPDATE [MarvelTour_DEV].[dbo].[LocationCopy]


    LocationGeography =...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 135 total)