Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Upgraded to SQL 2008 but SQL 2005 Services still trying to run


    Thanks for the reply. I upgraded my instance then removed 05. I did test it on two other areas before going all in but I did find the problem.

    I use...

  • RE: Subscriptions getting deleted want sql to email me

    Seems like a lot just for an email to find out who is deleting my report programmers subscriptions. Do you have a query that I can use? I get what...

  • RE: Not Installing 2008 SQl Server

    @ Minaz and Ali - Thanks I got installed. The problem was the instance would not restart completly. We had to shut down and power the instance back on in...

  • RE: Uninstalling SQL Server 2008

    Thanks Guys. I used the removal tool. The issue was that the instance was not completely rebooting and as a result not removing the services. After running the removal tool...

  • RE: Will not write out the rest of my query

    When running this job it stops writing to excel where I have;

    Replace(Rtrim(Ltrim(Replace(replace(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn, Char(13),''),Char(10),''))),',','') AS 'Column4', ---this one exports

    After this line it will not export the rest of the query, if...

  • RE: Not exporting the rest of the query


    dbo.MyTable.MyColumn AS 'Column1',

    RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ) AS 'Column2',

    RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ) AS Column3',

    Replace(Rtrim(Ltrim(Replace(replace(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn , Char(13),''),Char(10),''))),',','') AS 'Column4',

    --REPLACE(RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ), Char(13)+ Char(10),'') AS 'Column4',

    RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ) AS 'Column5',

    RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ) AS 'Column6',

    dbo.MyTable.MyColumn AS...

  • RE: Will not write out the rest of my query


    dbo.MyTable.MyColumn AS 'Column1',

    RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ) AS 'Column2',

    RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ) AS Column3',

    Replace(Rtrim(Ltrim(Replace(replace(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn , Char(13),''),Char(10),''))),',','') AS 'Column4',

    --REPLACE(RTRIM(dbo.MyTable.MyColumn ), Char(13)+ Char(10),'')...

  • RE: Exporting to Excel Using a CLR Stored Procedure

    Just so I am clear this is to get it to export from Excel 2003 to 2007?

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)