Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)

  • RE: SQL Backend

    Don't use the upsizing wizzard.

    Re-develop your database based on SQL Server functionality and data types. Build it correctly the first time based on published...

  • RE: Deleted Merge Replication

    There is some job, process or someone that is rebuilding the publication, the job probably runs late Sunday night or early Monday morning.

    If this is the...

  • RE: How to increase time out in EM

    EM is not robust enough to return realtime connection/SPID information, especially if the server is too busy, EM will just hang. using QA and...

  • RE: Could Not Copy Buld Data

    Are you adding the table after you have created the publication and snapshot ??

    Are you adding the new table via GUI or sp_addarticle ??

  • RE: BULK INSERT with fixed length text file

    Besids BCP you can use DTS. in the DTS package create a connection to the destination DB. create aconnection to the text file, during the creation of the connection to...

  • RE: How to fix corrupted index on subscriber table

    why don't you try a DBCC IndexDefrag insted of a dbcc dbreindex. it can be done without taking the db or table off-line.

    I would shutdown the replication agent.

    Run DBCC IndexDefrag <check...

  • RE: Merge Agents Fail

    if you double click on the agent this will give you more details about the error, it could be a deadlock, blocking, time-out etc

  • RE: Replication Issue

    I'v had the same error happen periodiocally, but not really sure what the cause is . usually stopping and starting the SQL agent seems to...

  • RE: How can i Restore from Mapped drive?

    I have done it using t-sql commands via QA or job steps.

    From BOL:

    BACKUP DATABASE Northwind    TO DISK = '\\uncservername\Northwind.bak'RESTORE FILELISTONLY    FROM...

  • RE: 3 servers, 2 replications = 1 Name Conflict!

    why don't you just create 2 subscriptions, one from Server_a to Server_b and one from Server_a to Server_c. This is much more efficient and if Server_b dies data will still get...

  • RE: replication not re-initializing

    try the following: re-create and apply a new snapshot

    what is the error that you are getting on the failure, what is the size...

  • RE: Deleting Replication Objects

    have you used the proc called "sp_removedbreplication dbname". This will remove all replication objects in the database.


    Good luck


  • RE: Is there a simple way to tell if package is running as a job?

    When the package is scheduled it creates a job. Open the job properties and in the notify tab select your method of notification.


    Good luck.

  • RE: DTS Script

    when you save it as a "structured storage" file format >>> when you open it on the destination server you will need to do a "save as" and save it...

  • RE: SQL Server Error: 18452 Not associated with a ...

    You need to setup a connection alais.

    <<< run on the client >>>

    Start the Client Network Utility (its in the SQL Server program group).

    select the Alais tab >>> click the Add...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)