Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Catch LOCK_TIMEOUT error

    I came across that site but I still can't seem to catch the error.  This is what I want to do in the DTS using T-SQL.



    Truncate Table WhseProductCodes


  • RE: sp_executesql -> nvarchar not BIG enough




       EXEC('EXEC sp_executesql N''' + @sql1 +'',''+ @sql2 + @sql3 ''', N''' + @param +''', '''+ @Date1 +'''')

  • RE: Do an Insert, then back to a Select (Easy way?)

    I changed the query to reflect that.   I just used  "Insert .......  SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as SpaID "


    Since everyone is telling me to use storeprocedures, I might start converting my pages..

  • RE: Do an Insert, then back to a Select (Easy way?)

    The Scope_Identity works great (when using Query Analyzer).  When I post in ASP and try to retrieve the rs("SpaId") I get

    Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to...

  • RE: Global variables in SQL task

    This is interesting...

    Here is my actually query (Two steps in 1)

    UPDATE DataWarehouse.dbo.SQLTableStatus

    SET Status = 'N',

     Comments = 'Can not find TextFile',

     LastMaintDate = getdate()

    WHERE Textfile = ?

    INSERT INTO Email.dbo.AutoEmail

     (Source, Recipients, Subject, Message)

     VALUES ('SQL',?,'SQL...

  • RE: Global variables in SQL task

    The Table is nvarchar(100). 

    If I manually put in

    Table = 'blaa blaa blaa blaa'  

    It works and I get more then 20 characters.  I'll try it again tomorrow morning, maybe...

  • RE: Global variables in SQL task

    Ya its declared as a string. 

    ActiveX can read the whole length fine

    When I add the ? to the SQL and associate an parameter to it, I only get 20...

  • RE: DTS retry with ActiveX ??

    I just came online to say I figured it out and couldn't beleive I didn't know about this before hand.  (Parameters option).  Would of saved many headachs.!  Thanks again for...

  • RE: DTS retry with ActiveX ??

    That is exactly what I want to do.  I didn't know about oJob, oJobSchedule.  I will have to research that, but the way you have it, is what I am...

  • RE: DTS retry with ActiveX ??

    I was actually thinking of the same thing.  I basically already have a table that will update it with a success or fail status.  I would just have to add...

  • RE: DTS retry with ActiveX ??

    Sorry I thought you meant in ActiveX.  This does work in TSQL.  I will play around with this and see what kind of damage the waiting does on the servers'...

  • RE: DTS retry with ActiveX ??

    It didn't like WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'  at all.  Came up with an error saying waitfor and delay were not defined. 

    People must be doing this somewhere, check for a file,...

  • RE: DTS retry with ActiveX ??

    I'm not sure how to do that, but that would work. 

    9:00  -> no files

    9:01  -> no files

    9:02  -> files  -> start dts

    10:00  -> no files

    10:01  -> no files

    10:02  ->...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)