Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 181 through 187 (of 187 total)

  • RE: Not Equal

    Lynn Pettis (10/23/2008)

    This gets into basic BOOLEAN LOGIC. Your where clause is this:

    name <> 'name1' and age <> 25

    That is equvilent to this:

    not (name = 'name1' or age =...

  • RE: Not Equal

    What I think you mean that AND behaves like OR, is that most OR conditions logically returns more results than AND (name = 'name1' OR age = 25 gives more...

  • RE: Help using SELECT INTO

    This would be my solution:

    insert into @MyTable

    Select SSOUsers_RowID,FamilyType,'ATAS',Param1,Param2,param3,param4

    from ssouserservices

    where FamilyType='3' AND

    SSOUsers_RowID =



    FROM ssouserservices

    where FamilyType='3'

    group by FamilyType, Param1,Param2,param3,param4


    Hope this helps!


  • RE: SUM of FLOAT inconsistency

    Great QotD! One of the rare ones that isn't easy to cheat on.

    Thumbs up!


  • RE: Let the Excel Play

    I'm also a great fan of SQL data displayed in Excel, and I use it daily. However, I prefer to have the SQL in a stored procedure in the database,...

  • RE: Go go go?

    Such stored procedures are great for confusing anyone who needs to debug your code 🙂


  • RE: Moving TempDB

    We tried to do this (including the removing of the old tempdb files), and it crashed SQL server completely... No idea what went wrong, but we're down to reinstalling completely...

Viewing 7 posts - 181 through 187 (of 187 total)