Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)
Try this one
SUM(CASE CAST(IA.IAT_DATA AS VARCHAR(25)) WHEN 'Financial Reporting' THEN 1 AS ELSE 0 END) AS [Financial Reporting],
SUM(CASE CAST(IA.IAT_DATA AS VARCHAR(25)) WHEN 'Performance Management' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)...
November 10, 2006 at 5:11 am
try this one
SET @CMD = 'SELECT [' + @ColName + '] from [Resource]' + ' where [date] between ''' + @sDate1 + ''' + and + ''' @sDate2 + ''''
August 22, 2006 at 10:23 am
Your First Problem is that you did the spelling mistake in deallocating the cursor curInsterted instead of curInserted.
To debug your trigger ,first install the SQL server debugger and then...
September 6, 2004 at 12:27 am
This Error is Not Coming because of the parameter you are passing but the Prcessing you are doing in your procedure do one thing take the query from web page...
May 31, 2004 at 4:48 am
Thanks Calvin and David for your responses
As Calvin you told that there is one method of fetching all the rows from one table
Now i just want to know that...
May 28, 2004 at 12:40 am
i have also faced this problem
Statements given below should trap the error but will not
i have gone through bol where there is written about severity of error but not...
May 25, 2004 at 10:22 pm
use this connection string then try agin fetching the records in record set
"driver={SQL Server};server=;database=;uid=;pwd="
May 10, 2004 at 10:26 pm
thank god you have dicussed this problem . i got the solution
May 5, 2004 at 6:29 am
Create Function sf_Monthlyconsumption(@DD Varchar(2),@MM Varchar(2),@YY Varchar(4))
Returns Table
--change sysobjects with your table
Return Select * From Sysobjects Where Cast(Cast(month(CrDate) as varchar(2)) +'/'+Cast(Day(CrDate) as varchar(2))+'/'+Cast(Year(CrDate) as varchar(4)) as DateTime) > Cast(@MM+'/'+@DD+'/'+@YY As...
April 19, 2004 at 10:25 pm
that means you can not use Set Commnads in UDF so any can make me available limitations od UDF cause i use them exetensively
February 11, 2004 at 2:20 am
Select * From Table1
Join Table2
Table1.DateField=Cast(Table2.CharDateField +' '+Table2.CharTimeField as DateTime)
February 6, 2004 at 1:55 am
Create Function DateOnly(@dt DateTime)
returns Datetime
return Cast(convert(varchar(8),@dt,1) AS datetime)
select * from test where dbo.Dateonly(chkdate) = '2004-01-06'
This way...
January 28, 2004 at 5:24 am
UDF can not contain strored procedures calls and also you can not use set command in UDF so if any output required is in table with these requirements in...
January 25, 2004 at 1:51 am
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)