Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)
I hope your audience is able in Access as well.
For budgeting purposes most users expect a pretty clean Excel working enviroment and data flow. I've been in a bunch...
January 16, 2006 at 7:48 am
A more useful goal would be to have the system architecture point properly to the people and groups that can navigate the system the best on behalf of the the requestor.
December 28, 2005 at 9:24 am
Santa is poor, he should use open source. And... he is close to scandinavia....
December 27, 2005 at 8:58 am
This script is handy. Thanks for posting it.
- Robert
December 26, 2005 at 8:38 am
I attended the morning of the Pittsburgh event. The speaker did a great job, both with his presentation (and there were no breakout sessions here) and with a follow up...
December 7, 2005 at 2:28 pm
Sounds good, if for no other reason then to make sure my manually created stuff is working right.
I'm a big fan of commented code.
- Robert Sterbal
November 25, 2005 at 7:22 am
Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)