Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 221 total)

  • RE: Previous week date range

    Thanks for the indepth replies people - very useful - I tend to do quite a lot with dates so the more knowledge I have on the subject the better.

  • RE: Previous week date range

    Wow, that's mental - never seen the whole '17530101' earliest date type thing before.

    Very useful - just wish I had asked before I spent quite a chunk of the...

  • RE: Infuriating SQL Excel Issue! (pasting)

    Because it takes considerably longer to export using the wizard vs copy/paste when you do it all day every day! (unless I'm missing something)

  • RE: Infuriating SQL Excel Issue! (pasting)

    as I said, sometimes it works sometimes it does not.

    Text - columns in Excel doesn't work as there are just spaces between the fields - some data in some...

  • RE: Keyboard shortcuts whilst writing queries?

    Thanks, I'll look into 2008 - I'd heard but forgotten it had intellisense.

    What other text editors would you reccomend (free of low cost prferably, credit crunch and all that...

  • RE: Proper Case function for names?

    lol, our firstname field's probably a varchar(50) or something, that would blow him out :p

  • RE: Proper Case function for names?

    Yeah, it's a complete minefield - I might build an exceptions table - so if the name contains '% van %' then skip propercase, various other special characters etc

    One blog...

  • RE: case when in where clause?

    Thanks krayknot, that worked perfectly! - Very useful!! 😀

  • RE: ABS Function and Datetime

    Ah, I see, essentially the DATEDIFF function gets around me having to convert the dates to int fields - nice 🙂

    Thanks Chris!

  • RE: ABS Function and Datetime

    Ok, Ill give this a go...!

    --Create table with currency rates:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblRates_TESTING](

    [currency_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [currency_type] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [currency_rate] [decimal](18, 6) NULL,

    [rate_date] [datetime] NULL


    INSERT INTO tblRates_TESTING VALUES('GBP', '0.5', '31...

  • RE: ABS Function and Datetime

    Hi Chris,

    There will never be (or certainly should not be!) any duplicates as regards rate_date and rate_type.

    I tinkered and tried the following:

    DECLARE @Date_Reported int

    set @Date_Reported = (SELECT top 1...

  • RE: Pivot Examples do not work

    I tried an example from here, and received a more useful error:

    Incorrect syntax near 'PIVOT'. You may need to set the compatibility level of the current database to a higher...

  • RE: Email Verification?!

    GermanDBA - yes, the program does require a sequence of mouse clicks to process the group in question unfortinatly.

    I have looked on their forum and the topic of scheduling...

  • RE: Group by as part of a where clause?

    I could see that, it was how exactly I obtained the rest of the data in the table, so instead I did the above and dumped it into another table...

  • RE: Group by as part of a where clause?

    OK, based on that, here is my attempt! (please excuse me if I am wrong - there's a first time for everything n all that :p!)

    To create the table:


Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 221 total)