Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)

  • RE: Multi aggregation column CrossTab

    I will try that out. Unfortunately no, I am not using 2005 yet



  • RE: Multi aggregation column CrossTab

    Sorry about that,

    I want a cross tab report so I have data

    Task    Quarter Hours  Cost EstHours EstCost

    Task 1     Q1      40     4000     40    4000


  • RE: Slow running query

    Thanks again for your replies. I have run the DBCC SHOWCONTIG and it is at 100%. I am not on a busy server. Basically I am on...

  • RE: Slow running query

    Thanks for the replies,

    QA says that the most of the time is spend on doing a Clustered Index Seek on the A & B Primary Key field.

    I know that we...

  • RE: Show toolbar from a different MDB


    Here are a couple of functions that I use.  You can change the assignment of the db to be the db you want to change


    Public Function SetStartupProperties()

        'ChangeProperty "StartupForm", dbText,...

  • RE: To connect ms access database without alias

    I believe you can tell Access that the default driver is Access by putting a semicolon in front of the connect string.

        Dim tdfLinked As TableDef        

        Set tdfLinked = dbsTemp.CreateTableDef("Table")


  • RE: SQL Server ODBC Registry Values

    You can use GetSetting and SaveSetting, but you will need some sort of crypto function to secure it though.

    Hope this helps,


  • RE: SQL Server ODBC Registry Values


    Are you looking for a way to dynamically create the links, or a way to store something in the registry, or both?


  • RE: catch 22 query

    How about this?

    update a set a.a=b.a from acc b join a aa on (aa.accno=b.accno) where a.accno=b.accno and (acc.seq =

                              (SELECT     MAX(seq)

                                FROM          acc c

                                WHERE      b.accno = c.accno))


  • RE: Importing data from 2 Access tables into 1 sql table


    You can go through Enterprise Manager and right click on the database you want to import into and select All Tasks -> Import Data.  This will walk you through all...

  • RE: Find data on Access form

    I think what might be happening is it is making a true copy of all 36k records. 

    One thing that you can try is doing a filter on the form. ...

  • RE: Find data on Access form

    Is the field you are doing to find on an indexed field?  30-40k still shouldn't take that long with the proper indices.


  • RE: Access to SQL to ASP

    Actually, I create the linked tables on the fly.  The way I handle the temporary tables is to use ADO to call stored procedures and then I have a routine...

  • RE: Access to SQL to ASP

    I have done this many times as well.  We had a very dynamic data structure as well.  We were constantly creating new linked tables to look at.  If you need...

  • RE: Find Records Sub Form

    I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but you can use this code behind a list box or a combo box that lists all of the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)