Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 2,836 through 2,850 (of 2,861 total)

  • RE: Burnout

    Been there, done that ... To avoid burnout, the most important thing is to realize that in the long run no one can put in 8 really productive hours day...

  • RE: The Missing Certification

    That is a useful and practical reminder that even when you never stop learning, you never know it all. (Unlike lots of juniors who would like to be considered...

  • RE: The Missing Certification

    If you want a good example of what certifications ought to be, look at P.Eng's. IMO they represent a good balance of education, experience, and recommendation of someone who...

  • RE: Should We Lead or Follow?

    Apple iPhone is an achievement of Jonathan Ive -

  • RE: Should We Lead or Follow?

    Microsoft is not a monotlithic bureaucracy with centralized top/down structure. It is more discovery park where ideas (meaning people) compete for attention and resources. If you want to...

  • RE: Should We Lead or Follow?

    IMO organizing an MVP summit to get feedback would not be too productive. SQLS teams are moving at a rapid clip, lately with daily scrums and continuous discussion. It...

  • RE: Should We Lead or Follow?

    I know from my own direct experience that the SQLS guys do listen. You may note that Microsoft moved from teams of invited beta testers (still for 2005) to...

  • RE: Code Writing Code

    Code writing code was "the big idea" behind CASE, about 15 years ago. Ed Yourdon predicted that in 2000 "almost all" programmers would be using only CASE tools and...

  • RE: Usage Based Pricing

    " I would love to be able to buy a few of the high end features, partitioning, mirroring, compression, on a per instance basis."

    That's not per usage, that's more granular...

  • RE: Overusing Identities


    IMO there is a reason why primary keys default to CLUSTERED: a well thought-through primary key ought to organize rows in the order in which...

  • RE: When Do You Deploy?

    On my current project I have twin infrastructures. One of them is live 24/7, the other shadows. We deploy to the shadow and test the living s**t out...

  • RE: The Afternoon Whistle

    Fascinating... neither the editorial nor any of the previous posts mentions beer. Do I understand correctly that the subject is the Friday late-afternoon routine?


  • RE: When is 8000 too small?

    IMO this discussion should involve hardware designers and consider their thoughts on the sizes of clusters on the drives we will have in the near future. As 32k clusters...

  • RE: The Best Laptop

    One thing, seldom mentioned that for me is very important, is the ability to swap the DVD drive for a second battery.

  • RE: Extracting 'YYWW' from getdate()

    This version dispenses with CASE:



Viewing 15 posts - 2,836 through 2,850 (of 2,861 total)