Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 155 total)

  • RE: date range query

    You should know that using CONVERT will prevent SQL Server to use any indexes. If the table is large and you want to use an index on the supp_startdt, you...

  • RE: Will stored proc rollback on error?

    For everything you want to know about error handling in T-SQL, read the following excellent article, by Erland Sommarskog:


  • RE: Gathering Random Data

    The view+function trick for using RAND() is very interesting, but not so efficient. On my system, it takes 330ms to select a random row from a table with about 8300 rows...

  • RE: Reusing Identities

    Dinesh wrote:

    As per the output, there are 20086 logical reads and it has taken 200 ms for the first method. But in second method there are only 19...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 26 Jan 2004

    > Are there circumstances where an SQL statement "partially succeeds"? 

    > It was my understanding that transactions either succeed completely

    > (in a single-table update) or they don't.  Admittedly I...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 26 Jan 2004

    The explanation for the correct answer is a little bit incorrect. They say:

    "[...] it will still run a partial update of the table. It will not change the PaidFg column...

  • RE: Sending Alerts Via a Custom SMTP procedure

    Great article, Chris!

    I didn't know about SQL Server Agent tokens until now. I plan to use them for an ErrorLog in SQL Server, but I saw a problem that affects...

  • RE: TSQL Virus or Bomb?

    There is a slight chance that the script which searches for EXEC-s will not function correctly: if the procedure is larger than 4000 characters and the word "EXEC" starts in...

  • RE: QOD 12/17/03

    Wrong "correct answer", but right Explanation...

    QOD is getting worse every day. Yesterday it was a minor mistake about an underline, today is a huge difference between DESCending and ASCending.

    Needless to...

  • RE: Duplicate Indexing Woes

    How about this script:

    declare @indexes table (
    id int,
    TableName sysname,
    indid smallint,
    IndexName sysname,
    colid smallint null,
    ColumnName sysname null,
    keyno smallint null,
    AutoStats bit null

    declare @sysindexkeys table (
    id int,
    indid smallint,
    colid smallint,
  • RE: SQL Server Security: The db_executor Role

    We should also grant to db_executor the EXECUTE permission for scalar functions.

    It is interesting to note that:

    - Inline Table-valued Functions have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE permissions

    - Multi-statement Table-valued...

  • RE: Full Text Indexing - Text Parsing Routine

    1. How about the following condition:

    ISABOUT("drive safe" WEIGHT (.8), "drive" NEAR "safe" WEIGHT (.7),

    "drive*" NEAR "safe*" WEIGHT (.6), FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL,"drive","safe") .5)

    Would it be better ?

    2. What is the idea with...

  • RE: Codd's Rules

    Very nice article. We should all know these rules, but more importantly the database vendors should keep them in mind whenever they build something.

    Here is a paper that discusses in...

  • RE: Bypassing Triggers

    The downside of using some place like context_info is that it is unique (per session). Are we sure that our trigger is the only one that uses it ? Are...

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 155 total)