Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: XML namespaces?

    Some Microsoft developers gave me three solutions...



    @x xml


    @x = (select b.BulkColumn...

  • RE: Column Naming Conventions (rears it''''s ugly head again :)

    In reply to:

    Oh.. Ray... I'm not sure what you mean by "If you're using variables outside of SQL Columns use @TableNameColumnName rather than just the column name".  Can you clarify...

  • RE: Converting Chinese or Japanese double-byte characters to unicode

    My associate at work showed me how to do it...


    -- This is your table with GB2312 coded cities


      (CITY VARCHAR(30) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI)

    INSERT INTO #GB2312 VALUES('»´±±')


  • RE: Column Naming Conventions (rears it''''s ugly head again :)

    I'd leave the table names out.  As you write your SQL code, always prefix each column name with TableName.ColumnName.  If you're using variables outside of SQL Columns use @TableNameColumnName rather than just...

  • RE: Data and index fragmentation and how to fix it

    You can use dbcc showcontig(tablename) to view the fragmentation in the table's clustered index or heap.  to view fragmentation in a specific index, use dbcc showcontig(tablename,indexname).

    There are 4 ways to...

  • RE: Accomodating ''''Dummy'''' Data

    There should be no problem with adding a second training database to the same instance of MSDE on the tablet.  MSDE stores most of it's metadata in a database called master,...

  • RE: Crosstab

    This should get you started.  You'll have to clean it up a little though...




    MAX(CASE StartDate when '9:00am' then Status ELSE NULL END) AS [9:00 am - 10:00 am],

    MAX(CASE StartDate when '10:00am' then...

  • RE: IF Exists stored procedure

    to return your data as a rowset, try...

    declare @rc int, @error int

    SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information

    WHERE First_Name = @FirstName AND Last_Name = @LastName AND Email_1 = @Email


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)