Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: Difference between possible owners and preferred owners

    Thanks, Perry,

    If I have a sceanrio where I have 3 nodes namely A,B,C out of this A is active B is active an C is passive. If I have...

  • RE: Can we implement

    Thanks Pradeep, do you have any documentation how this is implemented can you please forward it to me.

  • RE: Really Urgent

    Hi Jared.

    The reason here is we wanted all the publisher, distributor, subscriber to be independent to each other the database is used constantly by application and we did not wanted...

  • RE: Really Urgent


    The one thing I did is created a distribution on Server B and dropped the database. I did not even enabled the replication or created any publisher/subscribers.

    and when I tried...

  • RE: Really Urgent

    I didnot know how to move forward with enabling replication so, I dropped it. can you please let me know how to move forward.



  • RE: Check for Replication tables

    Thanks, Paul and Rookie

  • RE: Replication

    Thanks Mohammed, thanks for your help. but I using disabling publicaiton and distribution it will only disable replication right. If I am deleting publication will have any adverse effects or...

  • RE: HELP NEEDED with the statement

    Hi Ninja,

    I did not get you. can you please let me know what exactly that means?



  • RE: Replication

    Thanks, Mohammed for your input, Just as an additional information I had deleted publication in local publihser and subscription at the subscriber. if this is the process we do it...

  • RE: Partitioning in SQL Server

    Thanks, Mr.Hasan, another thing that hover in my mind is, I have big table that has indexes created earler and if I were to create the partition for this table...


    Thanks Marks,I messed up with the @hostinstance name. open braces and closed braces are the reason why I got the error. appreciate your help



  • RE: BCP Not Working

    OK I was able to change it, but when I'm using bcp using the bcp command i'm able to get the same error. I'm unable to execute it. how can...

  • RE: BCP Not Working

    I was able to get to the path and run the bcp command and it works fine rightnow. Above he mentioned change the environmental variables and to get rid of...

  • RE: BCP Not Working

    David, can you please tell me how can I move forward with this issue.

  • RE: BCP Not Working

    I think sybase is installed when I run the BCP -v on the server I get the following message.

    Sybase CTBCP Utility/12.5.1 ASE Edition/ xxx /PC Intel/BUILD1251-004/xxx/Thu

    Confidential property of Sybase,...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)